Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the committee detailed responses received to the advertised proposals to introduce a School Keep Clear marking in Benjamin Close, which had been agreed in principal by the Committee at its meeting in December 2013.


Further to the February 2014 meeting of the Committee that agreed in principal to design and consult on the proposals for a School Keep Clear marking in Benjamin Close, to prohibit stopping from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday inclusive. Residents of the area and Hyland School who were perceived to be affected by the proposals were consulted by letter and plan. Eighteen statutory bodies were also consulted and site notices were placed at the location.


By the close of consultation, eight responses were received to the proposals. One response was against the proposals, while the remaining seven responses were in favour or did not register any objection, although some comments were made. The comments received were outlined in Appendix A of the report.


The introduction of the new School Keep Clear restrictions was considered important to the operation of the school site and for the safety of pedestrians and visitors particularly children.


The prohibition of stopping between 8 am and 5 pm on Monday to Friday inclusive was designed to cover the main period that schools are open and was the standard being used for the introduction and upgrading of any school keep clear marking in the borough.  The wording of term time within any restriction was now considered to be ambiguous to use, as term times change from school to school and year to year


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident and Governor of Hylands School who objected to the proposed scheme as not going far enough to resolve the problem in the area. The speaker accepted that something needed to be done but questioned the adequacy of the scheme, he suggested that the zig zag markings needed to be extended beyond that was proposed to include all of Benjamin Close, that effective enforcement needed to be implemented to ensure compliance with the parking restrictions, that the proposal would have an adverse effect on residents of Benjamin Close.


During general debate, Members considered the safety implications should parents be required to drop their children further away from the school entrance to walk unsupervised to the school premises. Members considered the consequences of traffic displacement should the restrictions be extended throughout the close.  Members were of the view that effective enforcement was required to ensure the effectiveness of the parking restrictions. 


The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment :


a.         That the proposals to introduce a new School Keep Clear marking, as outlined on the appended plan, where stopping would be prohibited from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday inclusive, be implemented.


b.         The effect of the scheme be monitored.


c.      Members note that the estimated cost of this scheme as set out in this report was £1000 and would be funded from the 2014/15 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


The Committee voted 9 votes to two in favour of the proposal.

Councillors Ray Best and David Durant voted against the proposal.


The Committee was also of the opinion that a review of the access to the school was necessary with consideration being given to a school travel plan which officers would consider and report back to committee at a later date.


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