Agenda item





1.            Noted the report.


2.            Agreed to receive further reports as preparation and implementation progressed, specifically concerning the financial and legal impacts of the introduction of the Act.



Councillor Wendy Brice-Thompson, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Health, introduced the report


Members were informed that this was a briefing report which outlined the key changes and impacts arising from the Care Act 2014, identified the requirements at each of the two phases of its introduction and made links to the Children and Families Act 2014.  (Cabinet was reminded that a major problem with the Act was the use of the word ‘adults’ and that it contained a number of provisions relating to children i.e. young carers; disabled children and parent carers).  These difficulties had been addressed via provisions in the Children and Families Act 2014.


The report also described the means and governance by which the authority was taking forward its preparation and implementation of the Act.


At this stage, the report sought to raise awareness of the requirements of the Act and the impact and alert the Executive about risks associated with it.  It was anticipated that regular reports - both on specific issues and in general – would be submitted as they were identified and addressed.


At present, the initial focus would be upon the further development of the financial modelling and the sensitivity analysis together with undertaking an analysis of the impact and requirements of the Guidance and Regulations (just issued) to the Act.


Reasons for the decision:


This was a report for information only, serving to alert Members to the potential implications of the Act


Other options considered:

None applicable




1.            Noted the report.


2.            Agreed to receive further reports as preparation and implementation progressed, specifically concerning the financial and legal impacts of the introduction of the Act.


Supporting documents: