Agenda item



Cabinet reviewed and noted the report



Councillor Roger Ramsey, Leader of the Council, introduced the report


The report set out the performance of the Council’s Corporate Performance Indicators for Quarter 4 (January to March 2014) 2013/14, against the five Living Ambition Goals of the Corporate Plan:


·         Environment

·         Learning

·         Towns and Communities

·         Individuals

·         Value


The report identified where the Council was performing well (Green) and not so well (Amber and Red).  The variance for the ‘RAG’ rating was:


·           Red = more than 10% off the Quarter 4 Target and where performance had not improved compared to Quarter 4 2012/13

·           Amber = more than 10% off the Quarter 4 Target and where performance had improved or been maintained compared to Quarter 4 2012/13.

·           Green = on or within 10% of the Quarter 4 Target


Where the RAG rating was ‘Red’, a ‘Corrective Action’ box had been included in the report.  This highlights what action the Council is taking to address poor performance, where appropriate.


Also included in the report was a Direction of Travel (DoT) column which compares performance in Quarter 4 2013/14 with performance in Quarter 4 2012/13.  A green arrow (é) signified performance was better and a red arrow (ê) signified performance was worse.  A black arrow (è) signified that performance was the same.


Quarter 4 2013/14 - Performance Summary


50 Corporate Performance Indicators were measured quarterly and 46 of these had been given a RAG status this quarter. In summary:


o   38 of 46 (83%) indicators are rated as Green

o   2 of 46 (4%) indicators are rated as Amber

o   6 of 46 (13%) indicators are rated as Red


Reasons for the decision:


To provide Cabinet Members with a quarterly update on the Council’s performance against the Corporate Performance Indicators


Other options considered:


Not applicable.


Cabinet reviewed and noted the report

Supporting documents: