Agenda item





1.         Notedthe context provided by Havering’s LIP 2014/15 – 2016/17 Three Year Delivery Plan for the preparation of the Havering funding submission for 2015/16 (as set out in paragraph 2 of the report).


2.         Endorsed the content of Havering’s proposed 2015/16 LIP Programme (as outlined in Appendix A of the report) as the basis of the Council’s 2015/16 Spending Submission.


3.         Approved the delegation of Havering’s full final LIP Funding Submission for 2015/16 to TfL to the Cabinet Member for the Environment.


4.         Noted that other opportunities for investment in transportation initiatives would continue to be sought from TfL outside the LIP Annual Spending Submission process and from other stakeholders and funding sources.



Councillor Robert Benham, Cabinet Member for Environment, introduced the report


The Council made an annual Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Spending Submission to Transport for London (TfL) for funding transportation initiatives. This is the major source of funding for transport for the Council.


The Submission had to be consistent with the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy, the Council’s own adopted Local Implementation Plan strategy document and its approved 2014/15 to 2016/17 Three Year Delivery Plan (submitted to TfL with the Annual Submission for 2014/15).  The Delivery Plan formed an important context for the submission for 2015/16 and included the ‘core’ elements of the submission. 


Havering’s indicative LIP funding for 2015/16 was £2.842 million and later this year it was obliged to inform TfL in detail how it planned to spend this.


The report recommended that Cabinet endorse the proposed content of the 2015/16 programme (as set out in Appendix A of the report) and that approval of the detailed and full LIP Submission (including its Principal Road Maintenance and Bridge Strengthening bids) was delegated to the Lead Member for Environment prior to it being submitted to TfL in October 2014.


TfL was expected to confirm the funding for the proposed programme in the 2015/16 submission in late 2014 and, as in previous years, Members would be advised about the outcome.


The report confirmed that the Council would continue to explore additional opportunities for funding transport programmes/policies to supplement those from the LIP allocation such as other TfL funding streams e.g. TfL Major Schemes funding and Bus Stop Accessibly Programme, other external funding sources and Section 106/CIL contributions from development proposals.


Additionally, and separate from the main TfL / LIP funding stream, the Council would continue to develop public realm proposals for the areas around the stations at Romford, Gidea Park and Harold Wood where there was an opportunity to secure funding through the Crossrail / TfL Complementary Measures funding package (as identified in the Cabinet report considered in March 2014).


Reasons for the decision:


The LIP Funding Submission is a statutory requirement submitted annually to TfL in order to secure funding for a range of transportation-related initiatives in the Borough..


Other options considered:


There are no alternatives if the Council wishes TfL to confirm its LIP funding award to Havering for 2015/16.




1.         Notedthe context provided by Havering’s LIP 2014/15 – 2016/17 Three Year Delivery Plan for the preparation of the Havering funding submission for 2015/16 (as set out in paragraph 2 of the report).


2.         Endorsed the content of Havering’s proposed 2015/16 LIP Programme (as outlined in Appendix A of the report) as the basis of the Council’s 2015/16 Spending Submission.


3.         Approved the delegation of Havering’s full final LIP Funding Submission for 2015/16 to TfL to the Cabinet Member for the Environment.


4.         Noted that other opportunities for investment in transportation initiatives would continue to be sought from TfL outside the LIP Annual Spending Submission process and from other stakeholders and funding sources.


Supporting documents: