Agenda item



Cabinet noted the Towns & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee Topic Group findings and thanked it for its work and accepted its recommendations


Councillor Damian White, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report


The report contained the findings and recommendations which had emerged after the Topic Group had scrutinised the subject selected by the Committee in July 2013.


At its meeting on 4 July 2013, the Towns & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to start a topic group to scrutinise the Council’s Estate Management Services within Homes & Housing to help it understand:


·                     The role of a Tenant Liaison Officer or its equivalent and.


·                     The various inspections which took place on estates, any which had not taken place and what the reasons were for this.


The investigation covered a number of high-profile areas such as: Milan Square/Bader Way, Briar Road and Macon Way / Waycross.  When the Topic Group had completed its investigations, it made a number of recommendations – several of which had already been implemented.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Health, Councillor Wendy Brice-Thompson, informed Cabinet that she had been a member of the Topic Group and could confirm that it had been a thorough and well-informed investigation and was pleased to see that its recommendations were already being applied.


A correction to the housing stock total in paragraph 3.1 of the report was accepted.  It should read: “19,734 tenancies plus 2,251 leasehold properties”


Reasons for the Decision


Under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, s. 122, Cabinet is required to consider and respond to a report of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee within two months of its agreement by that Committee or at the earliest available opportunity. In this case, Cabinet is required to do this at its meeting on 30 July 2014. Cabinet is also required to give reasons for its decisions in relating to the report, particularly in instances where it decides not to adopt one or more of the recommendations contained within the report.


Alternative Options Considered


There were no alternative options considered as this was an activity conducted by the Overview and Scrutiny committee as part of its functions.


Cabinet noted the Towns & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee Topic Group findings and thanked it for its work and accepted its recommendations which were:


1.         That appropriate Homes & Housing officers attend a future meeting of the Committee to provide an update on the work of the new Estate Inspection Team and any other new initiatives.


2.         That Homes & Housing undertook a review of its large unused drying areas to establish whether they could be put to any alternative use e.g. redevelopment purposes.   


3.          That Homes & Housing addressed the health and safety risks posed by clutter, bikes and mobility scooters in its communal areas.


4.         That the Committee be kept informed of progress on the project which was considering the potential areas for integrating Housing caretaking/estates services and StreetCare.  


5.         To consider whether the large areas of vacant land on some of the estates could be put to better use.  


Supporting documents: