Agenda item



Cabinet agreed that:


1.            The decision to proceed with the implementation of proposals to expand Parsonage Farm Primary School should be placed on hold until further evaluation – including that of possibly extending Rainham Village Primary School as an alternative – had been undertaken and a report submitted to Cabinet on 24 September.


2.            The decision concerning expansion at Scotts Primary and the RJ Mitchell schools should proceed in accordance with the Executive Decision dated 15 May 2014.



Councillor Roger Ramsey, Cabinet Member for Value, introduced the report and Meg Davis, Cabinet Member for Children & Learning, provided additional information


The report was intended to inform Cabinet of the outcome of the consideration by the Children & Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee of the requisition of the decision of the Cabinet Member for Children & Learning and Cabinet Member for Value made on 15 May 2014 concerning expansion plans for primary schools across the borough.


At its meeting on 24 June 2014 the Children & Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee partially upheld the requisition and Cabinet was therefore invited to review the matter.


Councillor Roger Ramsey informed Cabinet that the issues surrounding Parsonage Farm Primary School had made it important that officers review their earlier decision about expansion there and report back to Cabinet on 24 September.  He announced that some £500,000 had been made available for the Rainham area and this could be used to facilitate possible expansion at Rainham Village Primary School – depending on the outcome of a feasibility review and subject to consultation.


Councillor Meg Davis added that she had visited both schools and was confident that both leadership teams would manage expansion and that whilst aware of access issues at Parsonage Farm, she considered that the school would still deliver an excellent standard of education even in an expanded form.  She did, however, endorse the recommendation that officers review their earlier decision taking additional factors into consideration.


Reasons for the Decision


The called-in Executive Decision by the Cabinet Members for Value and Children and Education to expand a number of primary schools across the borough had recommended that further consideration be given to Parsonage Farm, Scotts Primary and the RJ Mitchell schools.


Alternative Options Considered


There were none, this was the result of a requisition in accordance with Paragraph 17 of the Overview and Scrutiny rules.


Cabinet agreed that:


1.            The decision to proceed with the implementation of proposals to expand Parsonage Farm Primary School should be placed on hold until further evaluation – including that of possibly extending Rainham Village Primary School as an alternative – had been undertaken and a report submitted to Cabinet on 24 September.


2.            The decision concerning expansion at Scotts Primary and the RJ Mitchell schools should proceed in accordance with the Executive Decision dated 15 May 2014.


Supporting documents: