Agenda item



The proposal before Members sought permission for the Change of Use from A1 (Retail) to a Mini Cab Office, the applicant stated that the office would open 24 hours 7 days a week for telephone bookings, and a system was to be installed to be operated via the internet, such system would not require the drivers to stay at the premises. It was proposed to open to the public from 7am until 11pm each day. The application site had a yard to the rear of the property which adjoined on to Winifred Avenue where there was dedicated parking space for users of the premises. There would be 2 full-time staff and 3 part-time staff working at the premises.


Members noted that the application had been called in by Councillor Ray Morgan on the grounds of parking, and the potential noise it could have on the neighbouring residential area.


Officers advised that they were seeking two further conditions:


·         No drivers calling at the premises between the hours of 23.00 and 07.00 each day

·         No washing or servicing of vehicles to take place at the premises


Members were also advised that the term Sui Generis was to be removed from the proposed application.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by an objector without a response from the applicant.


The objector commented that of the 61 neighbouring properties consulted during the public consultation 42 objections had been received. The area lacked sufficient levels of parking and suffered from illegal parking. This resulted in a number of road traffic accidents in the vicinity of the application site. The objector noted that there was an existing children’s nursery situated opposite the application site and two schools within a short walk of the site. The objector commented that the proposed change of use would exacerbate existing highways problems and lead to an increase in the levels of noise and litter in the area.


With its agreement Councillor Barbara Matthews addressed the Committee.


Councillor Matthews commented that she agreed with the objectors comments and that the noise of vehicles using the premises would be detrimental to the amenity of the area. Councillor Matthews raised concerns over the access way into the rear yard of the application site which runs adjacent to the flank wall of a neighbouring property. Councillor Matthews commented that the proposed use of the premises would require a minimum of 20 cars to remain viable and was not suitable for the area she asked that Members refuse the proposal.


During the debate members considered other mini cab offices within the Hornchurch area and considered possible conditions that could be applied to the proposal to limit the effect on neighbouring properties. Members also discussed the possible impact that the business operation could have on amenity in the local area.


A member commented that vehicles would be regularly stopping at the premises in order to pick up fares or make use of bathroom facilities. The member suggested that drivers would remain in the vicinity of the premises while waiting for fares. Members noted the effect of noise on the residential amenity of neighbouring properties.


The report recommended that conditional planning permission be granted, however following a motion to refuse it was RESOLVED that planning permission be refused on the grounds that:


·         The proposed use of the premises would be inappropriate due to its close proximity to residential properties and its position in a predominantly residential side street.

·         Harm to residential amenity caused by noise and general disturbance associated with customers attending the premises, including noise and disturbance at anti-social hours.

·         Harm to residential amenity caused by the general activity associated with the operation of the mini-cabs in the rear yard, use of the access road and likelihood drivers would use the side residential road, including use at anti-social hours, to park to return takings, use facilities etc with attendant vehicular noise including radios, door slamming etc.

·         That the above harmful impacts could not practically be mitigated through the use of planning conditions.