Agenda item



The proposal before members was for the demolition of the existing four retail units, with vacant office accommodation above, and the erection of a seven storey building with four (A1) retail units at ground floor level, and 28 flats above (twenty four 2 bedroom and four 1 bedroom units), occupying six storeys. The seventh storey element comprised a services block at the top of the building.


Members noted a number of updates and amendments to the report that included confirmation of agreement by the applicant to pay the Council’s standard infrastructure tariff associated with the development in accordance with the Planning Obligations SPD;


Members were informed that there would be no requirement for the removal of occupier rights to resident parking permits as such a restriction had not been requested by the Highways Authority. A Member voiced his concerns over the removal of restrictions on the issue of resident parking permits for new town centre developments.


Members noted that the application been called in by Councillor Robby Misir as it was considered that the scale of the application warranted a decision by Members.


With its agreement Councillor Andrew Curtin addressed the Committee.


Councillor Curtin commented that he agreed with the officer’s recommendation that planning permission should be refused. Councillor Curtin also commented that the development proposed by reason of it height, bulk and massing within a conservation area and its close proximity to a grade two listed building would result in significant harm to the character of the conservation area and was contrary to planning policy DC68.


During the debate Members received clarification on the extent of the conservation area and discussed the Council’s policy on tall buildings. The Committee considered the impact of the development on the streetscene and whether it would create a “canyon” effect in North Street. Members also discussed the lack of parking provision in the area and agreed that a condition be included removing occupier’s rights to apply for parking permits. Members noted that there had only been five letters of objection to the proposed development.


The report recommended that planning permission be refused, however it was RESOLVED that the consideration of the planning permission be deferred to allow officers to obtain further information and to allow negotiations to take place with the applicant with regards to the following:


·         Legal agreement details proposed by applicant to be clarified.

·         Legal agreement to remove occupier rights to apply for parking permits.

·         Whether the applicant would be willing to reduce bulk of building by removing top two storeys (ie the "set back" element"?

·         Further clarification of the storeys/levels within description of the development.

·         Further clarification of the response from the Police on Secure by Design considerations.

·         Further clarification of the response from Environmental Health on noise considerations including whether any regard had/should be given to relationship to the nearby nightclub.

·         Is there any proposal by applicant to secure closure of the nightclub (allegedly in same ownership) upon completion of the proposed development should such be approved?  If so, can that be secured in any legal agreement?

·         Clarification of the nature and purpose of the £45K contribution proposed by applicant and whether such is the  subject of a viability assessment?

·         Clarification of the development status of the part completed redevelopment scheme at ring road end of North Street.

·         Clarification of the nature of any proposed contribution/improvements to rear courtyard/ highway environment.

·         Clarification of the nature, purpose and adoption date of the Conservation Area appraisal and date of other influencing developments relative to this (the Rubicon, the part complete development top end North Street).


The vote for the resolution to defer consideration of the application was carried by 8 votes to 1 with 1 abstention.


Councillor Durant voted against the resolution to defer.


Councillor Kelly abstained from voting.