Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that detailed responses received to the advertised proposals for the Butts Green Parking Review.


At its meeting on 12 November 2013, the Committee agreed in principle that a review of the parking in the Butts Green Road area and in the vicinity of the new Tesco Store be undertaken. 


Residents and business owners of 33 addresses in the area perceived to be affected by the proposed scheme were advised by letter enclosing a plan detailing the proposals.  Eighteen statutory bodies were also consulted and site notices were placed within the area.   The proposals were also advertised in the Romford Recorder and the London Gazette.


The report detailed that the design principles was to prevent commuters from taking up available car parking spaces which would be used by the customers of local businesses.  Appendix A detailed proposed site plans to convert to pay and display parking areas.


The proposal also outlined extending the existing ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions in Walden Road and Wykeham Avenue to help improve traffic flow, prevent obstructive parking and improve road safety.


Another part of the proposal detailed implementing ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions on Butts Green Road on the opposite side to the shops to improve traffic flow for all road users.


At the close of the public consultation, a petition was received from one of the businesses, containing 17 signatures stating that the proposals would not benefit businesses, residents or customers of this area and they requested no changes to the current parking arrangements.


The report detailed the view of officers that the proposals were designed to enhance the Butts Green Road area by deterring long term parking outside of the shops and businesses and to ensure free flow of traffic in the adjoining roads. 


The introduction of pay and display parking in popular local shopping areas had proved beneficial in promoting vitality in the local area and managing out commuter parking. 


The pay and display parking facilities on Butts Green Road would be operational between 8.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. on Monday to Saturday inclusive. 


The introduction of waiting restrictions in the proposed area would lead to fewer delays for emergency vehicles, bus services and delivery/refuse vehicles operating in the area,  particularly on narrow streets, heavily trafficked roads and around busy junctions as was the case for Butts Green Road, Wykeham Avenue and Walden Road. 

The report added that parking on junctions and the apexes of bends causes traffic conflict, congestion and safety issues for all road users.  Forward visibility was greatly compromised for pedestrians when vehicles are turning into side roads from Butts Green Road.


Officer concluded that they would monitor the effects should the scheme be implemented and report any requests for further parking restrictions to the Highways Advisory Committee.  


During the general debate Members discussed whether the scheme would actually improve parking issues and road safety faced by residents, businesses and visitors in the area. The Committee was generally not in support of the Pay & Display scheme proposed. A Member also suggested that the ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions in Walden Road and Wykeham Avenue be implemented only on the North side of the roads.


The Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the Pay and Display proposal be abandoned and the proposed waiting restriction for Walden Road and Wykeham Avenue shown on the appended plan be implemented only on the north side in each road. And that the effects would be monitored for a duration following the implementation with remedial action being considered.


Supporting documents: