Agenda item

Proposed Crossrail Complimentary Measures Grant Funding Application


Councillor Robert Benham, Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment, introduced the report


The report described developing partnership work between the Council, Transport for London(TfL) and Crossrail aimed at securing funding for public realm regeneration programmes at three Network Rail stations in the borough.  These stations were Romford, Gidea Park and Harold Wood.


Cabinet was informed that In order to support improvements around the Crossrail stations TfL had identified a budget of £30m to be spent against a line-wide series of station improvement schemes over four financial years (2015/16 - 2018/19).  This funding was called theCrossrail Complementary Measures programme” within TfLs Strategy and Surface Planning Directorate and was in addition to other funding from Crossrail and Network Rail.


The report sought approval for the Council to make grant funding applications to TfL and, should the bids be successful, to act as the accountable body for the grants.  It also sought agreement to the consideration of a contribution of other Council funds - subject to resources being available - such allocations to be approved by Members at a later date.


Councillor Benham identified works already being undertaken to improve the environment around Harold Wood station and thanked Councillor Andrew Curtin for his support and enthusiasm.  Councillor Benham clarified that the works to be undertaken using this funding would be to improve the environment immediately surrounding the three stations and integrate them into environmental improvements already being undertaken in the area.


Reasons for the Decision


Crossrail Complementary Measures was an important grant opportunity from which Havering and its partners could benefit.


In order to maximise the benefits of these opportunities to Havering, a decision by Cabinet was required to authorise the submission of funding bids in excess of £500,000.  The Constitution set out that, pursuant to the delegated authority for general functions in Part 3 Section 2.1 in the following paragraphs to Cabinet:


(g)     To allocate and control financial and land and property resources, to determine priorities in the use of these resources, and take any other action necessary to achieve those objectives; and


(r)      To be responsible for all executive matters even if not expressly set out in Part 3 of this constitution: and


(q)     To approve applications for the submission of bids for grants and other financial assistance which required the provision of additional finance or match funding or were likely to lead to residual costs or implications for the Council or where the amount of the grant application exceeded £500,000.


Pursuant to Corporate Functions under Part 3 Section 2.2:-


(a)       To take decisions on all matters relating to the Councils finances including but not exclusively:


(i)            Budgetary control


Alternative Options Considered


Submitting bids above £500,000 required Cabinet approval, without which there were no other options for approval.




1.         Agreed to the development and submission of grant funding applications to the Crossrail Complementary Measures Board.


2.         Agreed that the Council be identified as the accountable body for this grant funding.


3.         Considered that the provision of Council funding - subject to resources being available - such potential allocations should be approved by Members at a later date.


Supporting documents: