Agenda item


Report attached



The Committee considered a report that outlined the responses received to the informal consultation and subsequent advertised proposals for the creation of a new permit parking zone (R07), the introduction of waiting restrictions, a bus stop clearway, limited stay parking bays and Pay and Display parking provision in the Brooklands Ward.


The report informed the Committee that following the informal consultation, and based on the collected data, officers produced an appropriate design and conducted a formal consultation.  The proposals were designed in consultation with the Ward Members and Stakeholders and were subsequently advertised. Residents in the immediate area of the proposed scheme were notified by letter and site notices also placed throughout the area.


In addition, key stakeholders were consulted such as London Buses, Emergency services and Ward Councillors.


 By the close of consultation, 89 responses had been received a 20% response rate overall, 61% (54) were in favour of the proposal, with 34% (31) not in favour, and 5% (4) in favour of part of the scheme.


During the consultation, officers offered a further proposal shown on drawing reference Plan 2 to include free parking bays with a maximum stay of 3 hours and no return within 2 hours on both sides of the road, near to the junction of Rush Green Road.  This would provide a parking facility for visitors to the area, including those of St Augustine's Church and local businesses. By the close of consultation, 11 responses had been received, 7 were in favour of the proposal, with 4 not in favour.


         The report included officers’ comment on the proposed scheme, which informed the Committee that the introduction of permit parking in Dagenham Road, Lilliput Road, East Road, Wolseley Road, West Road, Grosvenor Road, and Birkbeck Road would increase the available kerb space for resident in these roads.   That the introduction of a Pay & Display parking area in Birkbeck Road at the junction of Dagenham Road would provide a facility for those visiting the businesses and shops. 


The scheme would also improve accessibility to bus service with the introduction of a bus stop clearway on Dagenham Road between Birkbeck Road and Grosvenor Road, heading into Romford. The introduction of waiting restrictions on Dagenham Road was aimed to improve accessibility for resident to private forecourts, traffic flow and reduce congestion during busy periods.


That the introduction of free parking bays on Birkbeck Road with a maximum stay of 3 hours and no return within 2 hours on both sides of the road, near to the junction of Rush Green Road would provide a parking facility for visitors to the area, including those of St Augustine's Church and local businesses.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident in opposition to the scheme. The speaker suggested that the consultation was misleading; that to charge for residents parking permits was illegal; and that it would be immoral for parking enforcement to be undertaken in the area.


A resident speaking in favour of the proposed scheme stated that local residents were unable to park in the area as hospital workers and hospital visitors were competing with residents for parking spaces. The speaker noted instances of aggressive and intimidating parking behaviour, including blocking residents drive ways.


With the agreement of the Committee, the Chairman read out a letter of representation from Councillor Robert Benham.


CouncillorBenham stated that he was in favour of the proposed scheme as a result of the new development on the Oldchurch Hospital site that had created a myriad of parking problems for the residents of Rush Green. Councillor Benham was of the opinion that the proposal would help to create a clear path along Dagenham Road.


During general debate, Members acknowledged the need for something to be done in area to assist local residents


The Committee RESOVLED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the proposals shown on drawings reference plan 1 and plan 2 attached to the report be implemented:


1.  as advertised with the permit element operational between 8am and 6.30pm Monday to Saturday and the effects of implementation be monitored for a period of 6 months, and report back to the Committee with any further recommendations.


  1. That it be noted that the estimate cost of £11,000 for implementation would be met from the 2013/14 Minor Parking Schemes budget.



Supporting documents: