Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the Committee detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Ardleigh Green Road.


The report outlined the following proposals for accessibility improvements that had been developed for various existing bus stops along Ardleigh Green Road in addition to those considered by the Committee in December 2013;






Drawing Reference


Description of proposals



225 to 229

37 metre bus stop clearway.

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


The southern school keep clear marking to be relocated south (towards Helen Road and reduced in length.

Existing school keep clear restrictions to be amended from:


During term time, Monday to Friday 8:15am - 9:15am & 3:00pm to 4:15pm


To Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm




(northbound stop only)





75 to 83


Existing Location

37 metre bus stop clearway.




(northbound stop only)


69 to 73

Bus stop to be relocated from outside

property number 81-83 to outside property

number 69-73

33 metre bus stop clearway.

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.









The proposals shown on drawing QM016-OF-205-2A (Option 2, outside 69 to 73) were as a result of comments received in response to the proposals shown on Drawing QM016-OF-205A (Option 1, outside 75 to 83) and at the request of the Chairman following representations from residents. These proposals were presented as alternatives.


With regard to the proposals shown on drawing QM016-OF-205A (Option 1, outside 75 to 83), approximately 10 letters were hand-delivered to those potentially affected by the scheme for comments.


With regard to the proposals shown on drawings QM016-OF-202A (opposite 225 to 229) and QM016-OF-205-2A (Option 2, outside 69 to 73), about 15 letters were hand-delivered to those potentially affected for comments. The adjustments to the School Keep Clear restrictions shown on drawing QM016-OF-202A were also publicly advertised.


The report informed the Committee that Ward councillors, HAC members and standard consultees (London Buses, Emergency services and interest groups were also consulted.


At the close of the consultation, 10 responses were received which were summarised in Appendix I of the report. The responses were all concerned with the alternatives proposed on drawings QM016-OF-205A and QM016-OF-205-2A.


The proposed changes shown on drawings QM016-OF-202A (opposite 225 to 229) did not elicit any responses and so officers recommend that the works proceed as consulted.


The alternative proposals set out on drawings QM016-OF-205A and QM016-OF-205-2A attracted objections to changes to the bus stop in its existing location (addition of a bus stop clearway and the rotating of the bus shelter) and relocating the stop to a position opposite Ayloffs Walk (footway works, shelter, bus stop flag and clearway)


Staff requested that members considered the various matters raised by residents (and set out in Appendix I) in both the existing and proposed locations and recommend a treatment accordingly.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who spoke against recommendation 2 of the report relating to the bus stop outside 75 to 83 Ardleigh Green Road. The bus stop being outside the speaker’s property. The speaker informed the Committee of the current problems that she had accessing her drive way and how these difficulties would be exacerbated if the proposed scheme were to be approved. the speaker suggested that her life was being made hell by the current bus stop location and that the proposed clearway would force her to park up the street and then walk back to open the gates to her drive way. The speaker stated that she had suffered from difficulties with the bus stop for years and had not been given the opportunity to comment when the bus stop was originally installed.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Lynden Thorpe addressed the Committee speaking on behalf of residents concerned about recommendation 2. Councillor Thorpe stated that residents objected to the scheme because of highway safety at the junction with Ayloffs Walk. Councillor Thorpe suggested that the current layout should be retained and the proposals should be rejected.


During the general debate Members noted the concerns of the speaker in relation to accessibility to her driveway. A Member of the Committee was of the view that the current location was not ideal, but the alternative would be more problematic and would undermine highway safety.


In relation to recommendation 1 of the report the Committee RESOLVED:


To recommends to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the bus stop accessibility improvements as set out on drawing QM016-OF-202A be implemented.


The vote for recommendation 1 was unanimous.


The Committee noted the estimated cost of recommendation 1.


In relation to recommendation 2 of the report the Committee RESOLVED:


To recommends to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the bus stop accessibility improvements as set out on drawings QM016-OF-205A (Option 1) and QM016-OF-205-2A (Option 2) be rejected.


The vote to reject recommendation 2 was 8 in favour and 1 against. Councillor Wallace voted against rejecting recommendation 2.




Supporting documents: