Agenda item



The application before members was for the change of use from C3 (Dwelling) to D1 (Day nursery). The nursery would employ 5 full time members of staff at a single time and would cater for up to twenty 3 month - 5 year old children, and offer a breakfast/after school facility for children of 5 years and over, up to 11 years old. The proposed opening hours would be 7.30am to 6.30pm Monday - Friday. The Nursery would be closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.


Members noted that the application had been called in by Councillor Robert Benham on the grounds of resultant traffic, parking problems and the nature of the proposed use.


With its agreement officers read a prepared statement, from Councillor Benham, to the Committee. In the statement Councillor Benham commented that he had concerns over the changing character of residential roads through the conversion of residential properties into those of a commercial nature. Councillor Benham also commented on the neighbouring property to the application site which was occupied by recently retired couple whose amenity would be affected by the proposal. Councillor Benham also re-iterated his points regarding extra traffic and parking provision and advised that following brief checks other childcare facilities in the area had spaces available.


During the debate members received clarification on the exact location of the site. Members were advised by officers that due to the location of the site should planning permission be granted a separate application for planning permission would also need to be submitted to the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.


Members also received clarification on the staff to children ratio and of the drop off zone/parking provision at the site.


Members questioned whether the figures for the number of staff and children attending the facility could be accurate as it was not clear how many children would attend. Members noted that the more children attending the facility would lead to a consequential increase in staffing numbers and any increase in staff may have an adverse effect on parking in the area. Members also noted the potential effect to the residential amenity of neighboring occupiers through noise disturbance and over development of the site. Members also questioned the workability of the parking arrangements on the site.


The report recommended that planning permission be granted however, following a motion to refuse planning permission which was carried by 9 votes to 1 it was RESOLVED that planning permission be refused on the grounds of:


  • Loss of a residential unit;
  • Inadequate parking and drop off facilities likely to adversely affect the adjoining highways both in terms of safety and amenity;
  • Excessive mass/bulk and overbearing impact of the extended building within the streetscene;
  • Excessive levels of activity on a limited size site causing noise and disturbance to the locality through intensive use;
  • Noise and disturbance to shared semi-detached neighbour


Both the vote for the motion and resolution to refuse planning permission were carried by 9 votes to 1.


Councillor McGeary voted against the motion and resolution to refuse planning permission.