Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that detailed responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along Corbets Tey Road and Ockendon Road.


The report explained to the Committee that people with mobility problems, the elderly and people travelling with young children found it difficult to board or alight from buses, unless the vehicle is able to pull in close to the kerb (within 200mm).


The improvements to the bus stop environment such as raising kerbs, relaying footway surfaces, providing short footway links to stops and (in exceptional circumstances) providing pedestrian crossing facilities would help make bus stops fully accessible to all people.


The report also informed the Committee that the introduction of bus stop clearways improved the accessibility of bus stops by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb. That it had become even more important with the provision of buses that are fully wheelchair accessible, because the benefits of low-floor and “kneeling” buses are considerably reduced (if not removed) if the bus cannot be positioned next to the kerb.


That funding for Bus Stop Accessibility works would be met from the Transport for London Local Implementation Plan (LIP).


The report detailed proposals for accessibility improvements developed for various existing bus stops along Corbets Tey Road and Ockendon Road.


At the close of consultation, 9 responses were received which were summarised in Appendix 1 of the report.


Three respondents raised objections to various aspects of the scheme. With regard to the proposals outside 1-6 Ockendon Road (QM016-OF401A), the Metropolitan Police questioned the length of proposed clearway as it extended to the front of the general parking bay. The second was in relation to the southbound stop outside 249-251 Corbets Tey Road (Drawing QM016-OF-54A) whereby an objection was made in relocating the bus stop and shelter outside a listed building (No.251).


            The third was in relation to the northbound stop outside 130-134 Corbets Tey Road (Drawing QM016-OF-51&52A) where the resident of No.132 raised concern that the scheme would prevent the widening of the existing vehicle crossing in to his premises.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by the resident at 251 CorbetsTey Road who spoke against the relocation of the bus stop to the front of his property in line with his objection as set out in the report.


During the general debate members noted the concerns of the speaker in relation to the bus stop relocation to outside 249/251 Corbets Tey Road. Members had particular concerns over children crowding in the vicinity of the bus stop.


A Member raised concerns over the number of long clearways being installed in the borough and sought clarification on whether there were any statutory obligations to continue to install clearways. Officers clarified the duty under the Equalities Act to make bus stops accessible to all.


Another Member raised concerns about the pair of stops at the Ockendon Road shops being opposite each other presenting  a potential safety hazard and a cause for traffic congestion.


Officers offered to review this element of the proposal in order to take  the committee’s concerns into account and look at the possibility of separating the bus stops.


Officers suggested that the stop outside 249/251 Corbets Tey Road be implemented as detailed on drawing QM016-OF-54B, to improve accessibility, but retain the bus shelter in its current location. 

Councillor Ower moved a motion to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the bus stop accessibility improvements as recommended by officers in the report be accepted with the exception of:

(a)      the proposed relocation of the bus shelter outside 249/251 Corbets Tey Road which would remain in its current location but with the installation of the footway improvements detailed on drawing QM016-OF-54B;

(b)      the proposed relocation of the bus shelter on Ockendon Road as detailed on drawing QM016-OF-401A would be deferred for officers to provide further design options for the separation of the parallel bus stops, as originally designed. 

The motion was seconded by Councillor Taylor.


The Committee RESOVLED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the bus stop accessibility improvements outlined in the report and shown on the following drawings be implemented;


·         QM016-OF-51&52B

·         QM016-OF-54B (with the bus shelter and flag remaining in its current location)

·         QM016-OF-55A

·         QM016-OF-56A

·         QM016-OF-402A


2.            That it be noted that the estimated cost of £25,000 for implementation would be met by Transport for London through the 2013/14 Local Implementation Plan allocations for Bus Stop Accessibility.


Supporting documents: