Agenda item



The application before members sought full planning permission for reconfiguration and refurbishment and creation of a new office involving a change of use from C3 (Residential dwelling) to B1 (Office).


The report was deferred from the Regulatory Services Committee meeting of 14 November 2013 in order to consider the application in greater detail and address the concerns of Members.


Members noted that the application had been called in by Councillor Eric Munday on the grounds that the proposal was contrary to the Council’s Housing policy.


Members were presented with a late letter of representation which objected to the application on the grounds that there was a greater need for the property to remain in residential use.


With its agreement Councillors Eric Munday and Lesley Kelly addressed the Committee.


Councillor Munday commented that a similar proposal on the same estate had previously been submitted concerning Victoria House which had subsequently been refused planning permission. Councillor Munday also advised that the DELTA Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) had successfully operated for a period of approximately seven years from a portacabin situated on the estate. Councillor Munday stated that the flat had last been occupied by tenants in December 2007 from when it was used for storage purposes. Councillor Munday questioned the loss of a residential unit and the storage use of the property. Councillor Munday commented that granting planning permission would not stand up to scrutiny and that granting planning permission would also be a breach of the Council’s Housing Policy.


In reply Councillor Lesley Kelly commented that the Right to Manage legislation placed an onus on local authorities to provide facilities for TMOs. Councillor Kelly confirmed that investigations had taken place looking into the possibility of replacing the existing portacabin but quotes received had been in the region of £220,000 to £250,000 and it would be preferable to invest this money in new family homes. Councillor Kelly also advised members that it was important for TMO officers to be able to talk to residents from the estate in private surroundings and therefore a new office facility was of great importance.


During the debate members received clarification on other TMO office provision within the borough and the planning history of the protacabin.. Members noted the Council’s obligations to provide suitable office space for the TMO. Members noted that the removal of the existing portacabin would remove an eyesore on the estate.


A member questioned whether the provision of office accommodation to the TMO was an exceptional situation to justify the loss of housing.


Following a motion to refuse planning permission which was not seconded itwas RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report and to include a further condition that the new office would not be occupied until and unless a programme for vacation and complete removal of the current portacabin was submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and that the office approved above should not continue in use unless the above programme for the removal of the portacabin had been implemented as agreed.


The vote for the resolution to grant planning permission was carried by 9 votes to 1.


Councillor McGeary voted against the resolution to grant planning permission.



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