Agenda item


Presentation by Mary Pattinson, Head of Learning and Achievement.




       The Committee were asked to note the changes as follows:


              Arisen out of the Green Paper Support and  Aspiration which was published in March 2011

                              Creating a more family friendly SEND process

              Draws together the support a child requires across education, health and care (EHC)

              Statements of Special Educational Need replaced by EHC plan

              Law early next year (February/March 2014)

              Implementation in September 2014

              Local Authorities across the country have received a small amount of funding as pathfinders for the new approach.

              Havering is working with Bexley and Bromley who are London Pathfinder Champions.


Officers were advised that the Statement of Educational Needs will be replaced by a new plan for every child who has special needs up to the age of 25 years if they remain in education. A SEND Project team with representatives from education, children’s, adults and parents health services had been set up with working groups to cover all major changes. In addition there would be a Parents/Carers Forum and an advocacy group gathering the views of children and young people.


There were four major areas of change and development:


The Local Offer


              Requirement to publish a local offer of services for children with SEND on its website

              To show parents how services can be accessed and include health, education, social care, schools and the voluntary sector.

              Over 50 parents have been consulted about how the offer should look and how they would wish to access it.

              Working groups producing content

              Model site now up and running

              Discussion about how to incorporate into other Council websites. 

              Additionally Local Authorities will have to introduce a system of mediation

Education Health and Care Plans from 0-25


              Local Authorities must ensure the integration of services for education, health and social care for children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25

              Single assessment procedure (involving parents and children) so that families do not have to repeat their story a number of times

              Work has begun with a view to creating a simpler system with a single point of access if possible

              A pilot programme will start with the very youngest children in December




Joint Commissioning


              Clause 26 of the Draft Bill says there must be joint commissioning arrangements between education, health and social care

              Must ensure that there are resources are provided to assess children and then provide for their needs.

              Formal mechanism for resolving complaints and difficulties between the agencies.

Discussions have begun with colleagues in the CCG and a working group has been set up


Personal Budgets


              Clause 26 of the Draft Bill says there must be joint commissioning arrangements between education, health and social care

               Must ensure that there are resources are provided to assess children and then provide for their needs.

              Formal mechanism for resolving complaints and difficulties between the agencies.


It was noted that the DfE were consulting on how quickly the move to education, health and care plans should be, however, it was proposed that all new assessments from September 2014 should be under the new system.  Eventually over the next two to three years, all children would have had their statements changed to EHC plans following consultation with their parents.  Officers assured the Committee that Havering was well placed to achieve timescales however it was advised that there was a need to take care around commissioning future health services.  With regards to education, an EHC plan would name a school or education provider with the appropriate facilities.  If there is disagreement between parties, the mediation service would then be asked to resolve the issue. Officers confirmed that there was no additional government funding for the scheme.


The Committee noted the report and requested a briefing be provided on different tariffs.   The Chairman requested an update on the new scheme at the end of 2014.