Agenda item


Report attached.



The report before the committee detailed the outcome of a consultation relating to provision of loading facilities for businesses, improving accessibility at existing bus stops and parking for shoppers in Elm Park Avenue, between The Broadway and Diban Avenue.


The report outlined the following proposed traffic improvement:


1.         The existing waiting and loading restrictions in Elm Park Avenue operate between 08:30am to 06:30pm, Monday to Saturdays whereas loading was also permitted during these restricted times, for a maximum period of 20 minutes. Lack of dedicated loading bays for freight had a detrimental impact on the traffic flow, particularly during peak periods and often occurred at bus stops.


2.         The existing bus stops in Elm Park Avenue (between The Broadway and Diban Avenue) were outside nos. 25 Elm Parade and 196. The stops do not have clearway restrictions to prevent waiting and loading ‘At Any’ time, applicable throughout the week. As a result, measures were considered necessary at this stage to improve accessibility which involved altering the kerb heights to enable buses to park close to the kerb side so that loading ramps could be deployed which were especially needed for people using wheelchairs.


3.         Loading bay in Elm Park Avenue, outside Tesco Express


Currently, there are no dedicated loading bays for businesses in Elm Park Avenue and lack of on-street loading facilities had been raised locally by shopkeepers. Businesses in Elm Park Avenue receive deliveries throughout the day. The delivery vehicles park in the road or close to a bus stop which prevented buses from pulling close to the kerb line. As a result, it was important to provide a loading bay outside nos. 18 and 19 Elm Parade to ensure that deliveries were carried out safely and without disrupting the traffic flow.  It was empathised that the loading bay was not specifically proposed for Tesco Express but also to provide benefits to all the shops and businesses in Elm Park Avenue. The proposals were shown on drawing no. QL025-0B-230.


The loading bay would allow free loading for maximum 20 minutes with no return within 2 hours. The loading bay would operate from 08:30am to 06:30pm, Monday to Saturdays inclusive which would be in line with other loading bays in The Broadway.


4.      To improve traffic flow in Elm Park Avenue


To widen the carriageway by one metre at specific locations i.e. existing bus stop (north side) and new loading bay in Elm Park Avenue. Carriageway widening would not impede the pedestrian movements as there was sufficient area for pedestrians on the footway. The proposals were shown on drawing no. QL025-0B-230 appended to the report.


5.      To improve accessibility for passengers at existing bus stops


          At present, buses experience difficulties to gain access into the existing bus stops in Elm Park Avenue to pick up or alight passengers due to inconsiderate parking at existing bus stops or parking in the path where buses start to pull in towards the bus stop. This forces buses to stop in the road thus blocking the traffic.


Passengers with disabilities find it difficult to alight or board as buses are unable to pull close to the kerb.  To overcome the problem, it was proposed to provide clearway restrictions at the bus stops. Clearways will reduce the problem of accessibility by allowing buses to pull close to the kerb and safely deploy their ramps. The proposals are shown on drawing no. QL025-0B-230.


The proposals also involved off setting the existing bus stop by 1 metre into the footway situated outside property nos. 20 to 28, Elm Parade. The measures would not involve any loss of highway trees.


6.      To provide parking for shoppers


          It was proposed to provide parking for shoppers to enhance passing trade.  The proposals involved provision of 4 bays in Diban Avenue. The parking would operate by Pay and Display and a ticket machine would be installed at a convenient location to dispense tickets. The parking tariff would be the same as in The Broadway, Elm Park.


During general debate, Members of the Committee discussed and sought clarification of the following matters:


That the loading bay was for all shops to use and that the work was coordinated with the paving works in Elm Park.


If pay-and-display parking bays between the zebra crossing and the loading bay were considered. In reply officers explained that the carriageway would block the approach to the loading bay and that it was also opposite the bus stop with a cabinet also in the way. It was confirmed that the loading bay was not for the use of any one shop exclusively, that all shop owners in the vicinity could use it.


A Member was concerned about the pay-and-display parking in Diban Avenue and felt that the existing part time restriction was effective and that after this time there was a turnover of spaces. Officers explained that the logic of the pay and display was to encourage turnover.


A Member was of the opinion that car users always parked up along Diban Avenue and Pay & Display would help the situation as it did by Hornchurch Station.


The Committee RESOVLED:


1.         To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the measures as listed in Appendix A (Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4) of the report be implemented and the necessary traffic orders are made.


i)   Schedule 1 – ‘At Any’ time Waiting and Loading parking restrictions,

ii) Schedule 2 – Freight loading facilities for shops and businesses,

iii)Schedule 3 -  Pay and Display parking for shoppers, visitors etc,

iv)Schedule 4 – Provision of clearway restrictions at existing bus stops.


2.      That it be noted the cost of carrying out the works was £20,000. This would be met by Transport for London through the allocation for 2013/14 Local Implementation Plan for improving reliability of public transport package.


The vote was 8 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention. Councillor Breading voted against the scheme and Councillor Webb abstained from the vote.



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