Agenda item


Presentation including Power Point by Mary Pattinson


The Committee received a presentation from Mary Pattinson on the new OFSTED Education Inspection Functions that came into effect as of 1 June 2013.


Members were asked to note that the aim of the inspection is to hold Authorities to account for the outcomes of all children and young people aged 0 - 19 years including up to 25 years for people with special educational needs or learning disabilities. OFSTED will consider outcomes in Local Authority maintained schools, academies including free schools and UTCs, local colleges, PRUs and AP providers.


The Local Authority statutory duties were as follows:-


·                     to work with education partners including all head teachers  and governors

·                    to promote prevention, early intervention, and narrow the gaps, and ensure the wider wellbeing of children and young people

·                    to promote the interests of children, young people, parents and families and to stimulate and support a diversity of school, early years and 16-19 provision

·                    to promote educational excellence for all children and young people including tackling  underperformance

The inspection process would involve meetings with Local Authority officers including the Chief Executive and the Director of Children’s Services. There would be further meetings with the Lead Member as well as with Overview and Scrutiny members. OFSTED would also meet with Head Teachers and Governors and would interview representatives from other groups such the Children’s Trust, Schools Funding Forum, Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and the Education Strategic Partnership. In addition, OFSTED would talk to representatives in all school categories to determine what Local Authority support they receive.


The Authority would be judged on the following:-


·                     The provision of effective and strategic leadership to education providers

·                     The clarity  and transparency of policy

·                     The knowledge of education providers, their performance and practice.

·                     Effective identification of underperforming providers and intervention 

·                     Improving education providers and narrowing geographical and pupil performance gaps.


Other areas that would be inspected are promotion of support between schools, effective leadership and strategies, support and challenge to school governing bodies and how the use of funds effect improvements in areas of greatest need.  There would be a written report that would be published resulting in the Authority being judged effective or not effective.


Members were advised that OFSTED would only inspect where concerns about performance had been raised or where data had signalled possible problems.  The Local Authority would be provided with 5 days’ notice prior to the inspection commencing, however, there had been several “focused” inspections where 20 schools in a particular area had been inspected by OFSTED. It was noted that the Local Authorities in these areas did not receive any notice prior to the inspections taking place.


Members were informed that the Authority’s relevant processes and documentation were currently being reviewed and included Havering’s Strategic Education Policy and the Havering Self Evaluation Form. 


It was agreed to hold an additional meeting in December to review and discuss the Self Evaluation Form as well as briefing notes for Committee Members on possible meetings with OFSTED Inspectors. The Chairman requested that members carefully study the Effectiveness Descriptors for Supporting School Improvement document prior to the meeting in December and forward any queries or comments to the Chair/Committee Officer.


Supporting documents: