Agenda item

Appropriation and Disposal of Open Space Notices- Various Small Sites


Councillor Roger Ramsey, Cabinet Member for Value, introduced the report


The report before Members explained that approval had been given to the disposal of the freehold interest in a number of small sites currently owned by the Council.


In connection with these disposals, a decision had been taken to formally advertise the proposed disposal of any open space and the appropriation of the disposal site for planning purposes. The statutory process governing these activities required the proposal to be publicly advertised and for any objections to be considered.


This report described the background to the proposals, set out the responses received to the relevant public notices and provided an analysis of these responses for consideration by Members.


The Cabinet Member announced that the sites at Heaton Avenue, Harlow Gardens and Dorking Walk had been assessed as being of low quality and low value in a report on open spaces produced for the Council.  The Cabinet Member emphasised that despite the written objections which had been given due consideration, the opportunity to obtain a capital receipt and to provide new homes for the borough was the preferred approach and that appropriation and disposal should proceed.


The two remaining sites, at Tiverton Grove and Tavistock Close, were also both agreed for disposal. Thwe Cabinet Member announced however that after reflecting on the circumstances in each case, a different approach was preferred.


With regards to Tiverton Grove, it was accepted that the setting, size and relativity of the land as a large open space directly overlooked by adjoining houses did give a value that, in retrospect, had not been fully reflected in earlier considerations.  Cabinet was therefore asked to decide whether the land should be retained in its existing use.


With regard to Tavistock Close, representations had been received that the land was valued as a recreational area.  Also, there were development proposals to create a new restaurant on the site of the adjoining Plough Public House that might affect the nature of this site.  Furthermore, staff had suggested that air quality assessments should be concluded on the site together with a review of any other development issues before a decision was reached.


Reasons for the decision:

The decision was required as a result of the statutory process involved in dealing with the proposed disposal and appropriation of land for planning purposes.


Other options considered:

Having placed the notices it was necessary for the Council to formally consider the response received. As the report only concerns the consideration of these responses no other options were available.


Cabinet, having considered the responses made to the public notices in respect of the sites listed below in connection with the proposed disposal and appropriation of land for planning purposes, gave approval to proceed as follows:-


a)         To confirm the disposal of the following sites (authorisation for disposal in principle having been provided in a Lead Member Decision dated 9 July 2012) under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972. Plans of the sites were attached as Appendix 3 to this report.


i.      Dorking Road

ii.    Harlow Gardens

iii.   Heaton Avenue


b)         To confirm the appropriation of the following sites as shown in a Lead Member Decision dated 9 July 2012 to planning purposes.


i.      Dorking Road

ii.    Harlow Gardens

iii.   Heaton Avenue


c)         To not confirm the appropriation or disposal of the following site having regard to representations received and following further consideration of the proposal.


i.    Tiverton Grove


d)         To defer a decision on the disposal and appropriation of the following site until further consideration by Members at a later date.


            i.          Tavistock Close


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