Agenda item

Report of the Crime & Disorder Committee - Domestic Violence Topic Group


Councillor Michael White, Leader of the Council, introduced the report.


At its meeting on 8 May 2012, the Crime & Disorder Committee agreed to establish a topic group to:


·      review the level of services delivered locally in respect of the effects of Domestic Violence on Young People and Children both as victims, witnesses and/or perpetrators;

·      look at what steps the Community Safety Partnership were taking to tackle the problem in the future;

·      identify good practice in other boroughs; and

·      make recommendations to the administration on areas which could be improved, if appropriate.


The Topic Group’s report was submitted for consideration. The conclusions and recommendations of the Topic Group were detailed in an appendix to these minutes.


Reasons for the decision:

The report of the dementia strategy joint topic group had been referred to Cabinet for consideration.


Other options considered:

No alternative had been considered.


Cabinet accepted the recommendations of the Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee and wished to place on record its thanks to the Members of the Committee for their hard work.

Supporting documents: