Agenda item


Report attached


At its meeting on 9 July 2013, the Committee considered and recommended for approval following measures around the Queen’s Theatre as part of adoption of the roads as public highways.  


i)          ‘At Any’ time waiting and loading restrictions to enhance highway safety at  various locations;

ii)         Loading bay in Theatre Road;

iii)       Stopping for 5 minutes maximum by the recycling centre;

iv)       One-way traffic flow in the road fronting The Queen’s Theatre;

v)         Blue badge parking bays in the road fronting the theatre entrance.


At the meeting, Members had debated in detail on whether there should be free parking bays for coach parking for events such as pantomimes. Some members felt that temporary road closures would not be helpful in dealing with coach groups, therefore, considered that dedicated short term parking would be beneficial.


The report before the Committee outlined three measures that were suggested for the free parking bays.


·         The proposals for a free parking bay outside the theatre was abandoned and converted for coach parking. The revised proposals were shown in drawing no. QH083-of-201/D.


·         The existing drop off point for audiences outside the theatre was reduced in size to enhance coach parking. The proposals have been amended and were shown on attached drawing no. QH083-of-201/D.


·         Free parking bays in Theatre Road had been excluded from the proposals and converted to free parking for coaches. The revised proposals were shown on attached drawing no. QH083-of-201/D.


Following the close of consultation, seven responses have been received which represents 8% of the letters delivered.

The report detailed that the manager of the Queen’s Theatre had welcomed the decision of a loading bay for deliveries and one-way traffic system outside the theatre.  He also stated that school audiences arrive by coaches mainly in December for the annual pantomime and most visitors were from the local area, arriving by cars or public transport.  As a result, he had requested to return to the original measures (i.e. Option 1).


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by the Administrative Director of the Queen’s Theatre who spoke in support of Option 1. He explained that coaches were only an issue for 2 weeks of the year in December for school performances and that this was already catered for.


The Committee received confirmation that the coaches for school performances normally stay on the road in front of the Theatre which would be closed with a temporary traffic order.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that:  


                                    Option 1: That the measures as originally designed be           implemented. These included provisions of a drop off/pick up     parking bay (for 3 cars), free parking bay outside the theatre and free parking in Theatre Road. The proposals were shown on drawing no. QH083-of-201. The cost of implementing the measures would be £1,000.


  1. That it be noted the cost of carrying out the works would be met by the Council’s Streetcare Revenue budget allocated for 2013/14 financial year.


By the following vote eight votes in favour with 2 against.


Supporting documents: