Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the committee detailed the outcome of a consultation on the provision of fully accessible bus stops along part of Suttons Lane and along Airfield Way.


The report detailed that the introduction of bus stop clearways reduces the problem of accessibility by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb. It had become even more important with the provision of buses that are fully wheelchair accessible, because the benefits of low-floor and “kneeling” buses are considerably reduced if the bus cannot get to the kerb.


The report informed the Committee that of the690 bus stops in the borough,

42% are deemed to be fully accessible.


In order for a stop to be fully accessible, it must meet the following criteria;


·         The kerb to the footway must be between 125mm and 140mm to be compatible with the front and rear loading doors of the bus and the ramp deployed from the rear loading doors;

·         The bus stop should be restricted from parking and stopping by a bus stop clearway so that the stop is always available for buses to be able to pull into tightly to the kerb.


The report outlined the following accessibility improvements that had been proposed for various existing bus stops along part of Suttons Lane and Airfield Way:





Drawing Reference


Description of proposals

QM016-OF-101 A


32 to 40

Suttons Lane

33 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter turned around in current location.


Bus stop flag relocated approximately 1 metre north.


QM016-OF-101 A


85 to 93

Suttons Lane

31 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


New bus stop flag at boundary of 89/91.


QM016-OF-102 A



Suttons Lane

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter turned round and relocated to rear of footway.


QM016-OF-103 A



Suttons Lane

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter turned round and relocated to rear of footway.


QM016-OF-104 A


156 to 160

Suttons Lane

140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.









Drawing Reference


Description of proposals

QM016-OF-105 A

Outside Hornchurch Country Park

25 metre bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


QM016-OF-105 A


Hornchurch Country Park

25 metre bus stop clearway


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter moved 4.8 metres north.


QM016-OF-106 A

Adjacent to Tesco

53 metre bus stop clearway in lay-by.


140mm kerb, lay-by entry and exit taper adjustments and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter relocated to kerbside.


QM016-OF-106 A

Opposite Tesco

53 metre bus stop clearway in lay-by.


140mm kerb, lay-by entry and exit taper adjustments and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter relocated to kerbside.


QM016-OF-107 A

Opposite Gosport Drive

27 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter moved 2 metres north.


QM016-OF-108 A

Adjacent and north of Gosport Drive

27 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter moved 4.5 metres north.




QM016-OF-109 A

Opposite Dowding Way

25 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


QM016-OF-109 A

Adjacent to

Dowding Way

23 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.



At the close of the consultation on 30 August 2013 for comments, 3 responses were received. The Metropolitan Police Traffic Unit advised that the Police had no issues with the proposals. London Buses were also content with the plans, but asked for site discussions for infrastructure movements.


Councillor Matthews contacted the Head of Streetcare in relation to the proposals opposite 116/118 Suttons Lane (Drawing QM016-OF-103A) with a concern about the ability of ambulances to stop near residents’ premises with a bus stop opposite. In response, officers stated that the proposals were for works to the footway as clearway was already in place at this location and that in the event of an emergency they believed that ambulance and bus staff would cope with any immediate issues.


During general debate Members of the Committee discussed:


·         A Member was of the opinion that people do not tend to park at one of the locations along Airfield Way and as such did not see a need for a clearway.

In response, the committee was informed that the service was working at consistency and also giving the bus drivers an indication of the stop ahead and the need to meet the Council’s agreed performance indicators. It was also explained that the length of bus stop clearway are adjusted to suit local conditions.

·         A Member enquired if the proposal was compatible for the "New Bus for London" with its rear loading platform.

In response, the committee was informed that this new bus had two accessible standard doors and would be compatible with the bus stop accessibility design.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.            To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the bus stop accessibility improvements set out in the report and shown on the drawings be implemented;


·         QL016-OF-101A

·         QL016-OF-102A

·         QL016-OF-103A

·         QL016-OF-104A

·         QL016-OF-105A

·         QL016-OF-106A

·         QL016-OF-107A

·         QL016-OF-108A

·         QL016-OF-109A


2.            That it be noted that the estimated cost of £44,600 for implementation would be met by Transport for London through the 2013/14 Local Implementation Plan allocations for Bus Stop Accessibility.



Supporting documents: