Agenda item


Report attached


This Committee considered a report that out the responses to a consultation for the provision of fully accessible bus stops along the length of Pettits Lane North and part of Havering Road.


The report detailed that introduction of bus stop clearways reduces the problem of accessibility by providing sufficient space for buses to pull in close to the kerb. It had become even more important with the provision of buses that are fully wheelchair accessible, because the benefits of low-floor and “kneeling” buses were considerably reduced if the bus cannot get to the kerb.


The report outlined the following accessibility improvements that had been proposed for various existing bus stops along Pettits Lane and part of Havering Road as set out in the following tables;





Drawing Reference


Description of proposals


Scheme 01

Near Pettits Boulevard


37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Large directional traffic sign moved out of footway into verge.



Scheme 02

Option 1 for

Northbound buses


249 to 255


37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Removal of large oak tree outside 253 and 255.



Scheme 02

Option 2 for

Northbound buses


247 to 253

25 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Removal of footway parking outside 249 and 251.



Scheme 03

Adjacent to 2 Heather Close

25 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lamp column moved away from bus shelter.



Scheme 04


234 to 240


37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Bus shelter to be turned around.



Scheme 05


284 to 296

37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area, including refurbishment of drainage channel.



Scheme 11


Bus stop relocated

from 434 to 442 as current position cannot be made fully accessible


Between Campbell Close and Glenton Way

23 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


New shelter and flag



Scheme 12


399 to 411

55 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lay-by entry/ exit tapers adjusted


Dropped kerbs to access alleyway between 403 and 405.







Drawing Reference


Description of proposals


Scheme 06


237 to 249

37 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.



Scheme 07

Adjacent to Methodist Church and 6 Tweed Glen

57 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lay-by entry/ exit tapers adjusted



Scheme 08


315 to 325

49 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lay-by entry/ exit tapers adjusted


Footway links to refuge outside 313 with dropped kerbs to service road outside 313 and 319.



Scheme 09


Garry Way

49 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lay-by entry/ exit tapers adjusted



Scheme 10


363 to 373

53 metre bus stop clearway.


140mm kerb and associated footway works provided at bus boarding area.


Lay-by entry/ exit tapers adjusted


Footway link to service road and dropped kerbs to access alleyway between 371 and 373




Following the closure of consultation, 9 responses were received. These responses are summarised in the report.


The report also informed the committee that the bus stop currently outside 249 to 255 Havering Road was discussed at the Council’s Traffic Management Liaison Group on 8 August 2013 where the Metropolitan Police Traffic Unit confirmed that it supported Option 2 (QM015/OF/201A) recommendation as it would put more space between the bus stop and the existing zebra crossing. No response was received from the London Fire Brigade.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who spoke against the relocation of the southbound stop from outside 438 Havering Road to outside his property 428 Havering Road in line with his objection set out in the report.


During general debate Members of the Committee discussed:


·         A member enquired if the provision of a bus shelter was required for the site to be accessible,

In reply staff, responded that shelters were provided by TfL for the comfort and convenience for their passengers, but they had the final say in line with powers under the GLA Act.

·         The member suggested that the service make representations against the shelter and officers stated we could.

·         A member sought clarification that the existing layby could not be made accessible. Staff informed the committee that the Iayby was not long enough for 2 door operation. In addition, staff explained that converting footway to carriageway normally means utility diversions which were prohibitively costly.


The Committee in two separate votes RESOLVED:




To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the bus stop accessibility improvements set out in the report and shown on the following drawings be implemented;


·         QL015-OF-102A

·         QL015-OF-103A

·         QL015-OF-104A

·         QL015-OF-105A

·         QL015-OF-106B

·         QL015-OF-107A

·         QL015-OF-108A

·         QL015-OF-109A and

That it be noted that the estimated cost of £60,000 for implementation         would be met by Transport for London through the 2013/14 Local Implementation Plan allocations for Bus Stop Accessibility – Pettits Lane North & Havering Road.


The Committee voted unanimously for the proposal to implement bus stop accessibility improvements.


Secondly, the vote to relocate the bus stop outside 247-253 Pettits Lane was 8 in favour, one against and one abstention.


With regard to the bus stop currently outside 249-255 Pettits Lane North, that having considered the representations made recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that


(a)          QM015/OF/201A – the bus stop was relocated outside 247-253 with the various accessibility improvements made.


Supporting documents: