Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that outlined the responses received to the advertised proposals for proposed ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Chase Cross Road, which was agreed in principle under the Head of Streetcares delegated powers.


The report informed the Committee that following a Traffic Liaison Meeting held on the 29 September 2011 a representative from the Metropolitan Police requested staff consider implementing a scheme in Chase Cross Road opposite the parade of shops.


On 18 October 2011 Highways presented a report to the Highways Advisory Committee for safety improvements to the area. It was then noted at this meeting that a resident was concerned about parking conditions in the vicinity of the shops and crossing. It was noted that the Parking Team would review the parking restrictions at this location.


On 20 October 2011 a Ward Councillor contacted a Highways Engineer stating that residents were concerned about the parking situation in the area of the shops in Chase Cross Road and that they were requesting waiting restrictions to stop the bottle neck effect that was taking place.


On 15 November 2011 a request for ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in the section of Chase Cross Road, between the zebra crossing and the bus stop lay-by was taken to the Highways Advisory Committee and was deferred.


On the 15 May 2012 the Committee agreed to remove this item from the deferred list by 8 votes in favour with 1 abstention.


In February 2013, at a Traffic Liaison meeting, a representative from the Metropolitan Police raised the issue about parking opposite the parade of shops on Chase Cross Road.


As a result of the further representation from the Police, the Head of StreetCare decided to exercise his delegated powers to progress proposals to introduce waiting restrictions in the area. These proposals were placed on calendar brief were formally advertised.


The proposals were to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions to cover the unnamed road opposite 266 Chase Cross Road, extending into Chase Cross Road, on its southern side, between the unnamed road opposite 266 to the lay-by fronting 284 and extending into the unnamed road fronting the Chase Cross Road residential addresses, on its northern side for 10 metres either side of its junction with the unnamed road opposite 266.


Due to the significant responses received to the advertised proposals, the Head of StreetCare considered that it would be more appropriate for the responses to be considered by the Committee and decide on a further course of action.


A consultation of 36 addresses in the area perceived to be affected by the proposed scheme were carried out. Eighteen statutory bodies were also consulted and site notices were placed in Chase Cross Road. At the close of the public consultation, 11 responses were received along with a 558 person petition organised by the owner of the Olive Tree Café. The responses received were detailed in the report.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by the Metropolitan Police Traffic Management Liaison Officer for the borough who spoke in favour of the scheme. He added that double parking in the area was leading to traffic tail back and affecting people crossing. A local resident and shop owner spoke against the scheme. She explained that the proposal would affect the businesses on the parade and saw no need for the 24 hours restriction.


The Committee heard about the benefit of the scheme to local residents.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Sandra Binion spoke in support of the scheme. She added that the scheme also had the approval of former North Romford Area Committee but funding was unavailable.


During general debate Members of the Committee discussed:


·         That the presence of the Police Traffic Management Liaison Officer had convinced him of the need to recommend the scheme for approval.

·         That a one side restriction should not affect businesses.

·         Enquired why the need for a 24 hours enforcement.

In response, officers stated that the problem persisted for most part of the day and by this proposal, it would ensure easy flow of traffic.

·      Enquired what other option could be considered if converting the grass verge was too expensive an option.


The Committee RESOLVED:


            that the Committee, having considered the representations made, recommends to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that:


a.   the minor parking scheme set out in this report to implement ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions, as shown on the attached drawing TPC312-Chase Cross Road, be implemented as advertised.


b.    the effect of the scheme be monitored


c.    Members note that the estimated cost of this scheme as set out in this report is £1.000 which can be funded from the 2013/14 Minor Parking Schemes revenue budget.


The voting was unanimous, 9-0.


Councillor D White left the meeting at the beginning of the presentation and as a result was advised not to participate or vote in this matter.


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