Agenda item



The Committee was reminded that the recent agreement about the number of questions for Council had been agreed on the basis of three Groups.  Now there were four, the number of questions (15) did not work conveniently.  The proposal was for either raising the number to 16 with either a fixed number for each Group or a proportional number of questions depending on Group size with a number of questions “spare” for allocation on a “first-come-first-served” basis.


Members divided into two schools of thought: questions should be apportioned either by the number of Councillors in each Group or that they should be split equally across the groups as the Group was the significant factor, not its membership.


After some discussion, three alternatives were before the Committee:

1.    To accept a revised version of the proportional proposal set out in paragraph 4(b) which would give Residents’ 8, Labour 3 and IRG and UKIP 2 each (15 questions in total).

2.    Residents’ 5, Labour 4 and IRG and UKIP with 3 each (15 questions in total) or

3.    The original proposal in paragraph 4(a): Residents’ 8, Labour 4 and IRG and UKIP 2 each (16 questions in total)


The matter was put to the vote:


The original proposal 4(a) for 16 questions


In favour of the motion: Councillors: Keith Darvill and Jeffrey Tucker


Against the motion: Councillors: Frederick Thompson, Becky Bennett, Steven Kelly, Roger Ramsey, Robert Benham, Jeff Brace, Clarence Barrett, Gillian Ford and Sandra Binion


Abstained: Councillor Michael White.


The motion was LOST by nine votes to two.


The variation giving the Residents’ Group 5 votes, Labour 4 and IRG and UKIP 3 each (15 questions)


In favour of the motion: Councillors: Keith Darvill and Jeffrey Tucker


Against the motion: Councillors: Frederick Thompson, Becky Bennett, Steven Kelly, Roger Ramsey, Robert Benham, Jeff Brace, Clarence Barrett, Gillian Ford and Sandra Binion


Abstained: Councillor Michael White.


The motion was LOST by nine votes to two.


The revised version of paragraph 4(b) giving the Residents’ Group 8, Labour 3 and IRG and UKIP 2 each (15 questions)


In favour of the motion: Councillors: Frederick Thompson, Becky Bennett, Steven Kelly, Roger Ramsey, Robert Benham, Jeff Brace, Clarence Barrett, Gillian Ford and Sandra Binion


Against the motion: Councillors: Keith Darvill and Jeffrey Tucker


Abstained: Councillor Michael White.


The motion was CARRIED by nine votes to two.


The Committee RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that:


1          The maximum number of questions should remain 15


2          Rule 10.6(a) of the Council Procedure Rules (Notice of Questions) should be amended to read:

“A maximum of 15 questions can be submitted for a Council meeting all of which, together with any supplementary questions under Rule 10.5 will receive an oral reply at the meeting.  Any questions in excess of the maximum number that are submitted will be treated as a Member enquiry and receive a written response.”


3          The distribution of questions should be in accordance with paragraph 4(b) – as modified by the vote – to be:

Residents’ Group 8; Labour Group 3; Independent Residents’ Group 2; and United Kingdom Independence Party 2.


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