Agenda item

Think Family - Cabinet Member project


Cabinet NOTED the outcomes delivered by the Think Family project to date.


Councillor Lesley Kelly, Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection, introduced the report.


The report gave an update to Cabinet members on the significant amount of activity that had taken place on the Think Family project during 2011/2012. The project, originally established in 2010, looked at a broad range of issues around supporting vulnerable families and was divided into four sub projects as follows:


·                     Troubled Families (Top 100 families who needed the most help from various agencies

·                     Family Group Conference

·                     Move to locality working

·                     Prevention Strategy Implementation


Three of the four sub projects had been completed and the corresponding results were outlined in the report. References were made to the development and improved communication and co-ordination of activity across joint/multi agency teams on a local/area basis in addition to the establishment of the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). 


The Government had announced their intention to continue the Troubled Families programme for a further five year phase and that this Council would undertake further projects in this area. It was noted that grants paid to Local Authorities in the Troubled Families Scheme were based on results and the length of time families remain engaged in the process. 


Reasons for the decision

To provide Cabinet members with an overview of the ‘Think Family’ project between 2011 and 2012.


Other options considered



Cabinet NOTED the outcomes delivered by the Think Family project to date.

Supporting documents: