Agenda item

Appropriation of land for planning purposes and open spaces processes relating to the site of the Old Windmill Hall and the adjacent car park


Cabinet, having considered the responses made to the public notices in respect of land at the site of the Old Windmill Hall and the adjacent car park in connection with the proposed disposal and appropriation of land for planning purposes, gave approval to proceed with:-


a)The disposal of 191 sq metres of open space shaded in blue in drawing SPS 1294/1 Rev A (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972.


b)   The inclusion within Upminster Park of the 191 sq metres of land to be used as open space shaded in green in drawing SPS 1294/1 Rev A (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) under Sections 122(1), 2(A) and 2(B) of the Local Government Act 1972.


c)     The appropriation of the site shown outlined in red in drawing SPS 1294/1 Rev A (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) to planning purposes.



Councillor Roger Ramsay, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, introduced the report.


The report explained that prior Cabinet approval had been given to the disposal of the site of the Old Windmill Hall and adjacent car park and adjustment of the site to create a regular boundary with adjacent Upminster Park. In connection with the proposal, a decision had been taken to formally advertise the proposed disposal of open space and the appropriation of for planning purposes.  In accordance with the statutory process, the proposal was publicly advertised and objections considered.


A number of representations had been received together with two petitions, one expressed opposition to the sale of the land and contained 2548 signatures whilst the other which contained 55 signatures related to the suggestion that further additional car parking spaces be provided to support local business. A total of 398 letters of objection were recorded and the themes identified were as follows:

·                     No specific grounds

·                     Opposition to the sale of land within a park

·                     Concern about the effect of disposal/development on the remainder of the park

·                     Concern about parking issues

·                     Opposition to the development of the site

·                     Concerns about the legal status of the land

·                     Miscellaneous/other




Reasons for the decision

The decision is required as a result of the statutory process involved in dealing with the proposed disposal and appropriation of land for planning purposes.


Other options considered

Having placed the notices, it is necessary for the Council to formally consider the response received. As this report only concerns the consideration of these responses, no other options are available.


The Cabinet Member reiterated that there would be no net loss of land within the park and that the Council had no plans to develop and sell Upminster Park.  In response to concerns about parking issues, it was stated that whilst there would be a loss of car parking spaces, there was future scope to extend the car parking area.  It was noted that the development of the proposed area would be subject to planning and a full consultation.


It was clarified that the proposal to appropriate the land for planning purposes would promote the economic wellbeing of the area only, and not as the report suggests include social or environmental wellbeing.


Cabinet, having considered the responses made to the public notices in respect of land at the site of the Old Windmill Hall and the adjacent car park in connection with the proposed disposal and appropriation of land for planning purposes, gave approval to proceed with:-


a) The disposal of 191 sq metres of open space shaded in blue in drawing SPS 1294/1 Rev A (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972.


b)The inclusion within Upminster Park of the 191 sq metres of land to be used as open space shaded in green in drawing SPS 1294/1 Rev A (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) under Sections 122(1), 2(A) and 2(B) of the Local Government Act 1972.


c)      The appropriation of the site shown outlined in red in drawing SPS 1294/1 Rev A (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes) to planning purposes.

Supporting documents: