Agenda item

Neighbourhood Responsibility Member Project


Cabinet NOTED the progress made on the key administration project.



Councillor Barry Tebbutt, Cabinet Member for Environment, introduced the report.


In 2010, ten Strategic Administration Projects had been established to help deliver services more effectively and in new ways. It was explained that the Projects were each to be driven by a Member of the Cabinet, working with a select team of officers, representing a diverse variety of disciplines within the Council.


In the final year of the current Administration, each Project would report back to Cabinet, to note the achievements attained and the progress made.


The Neighbourhood Responsibility project delivered the following outcomes: 


  • Raised awareness of the impact of the street scene, both as a significant asset and as a major contributor to peoples’ quality of life with Havering


  • Worked with residents, the business community and other stakeholders to increase engagement and encourage ownership of neighbourhood issues


  • Better coordinated the services that affect the design, maintenance and management of the Briar Estate


  • Ensured that public confidence was high regarding prevention of crime and disorder by the delivery of workshops and information provision thereby ensuring safe, accessible and attractive streets.


Reasons for the decision:

Members requested on update on this key important programme of activity


Other options considered:



Cabinet NOTEDthe progress made on the key administration project.


Supporting documents: