Agenda item

Council Effectiveness Member Project


Cabinet NOTED the outcomes delivered by the Council Effectiveness Project.


Councillor Geoff Starns, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, introduced the report.


In 2010, ten Strategic Administration Projects had been established to help deliver services more effectively and in new ways. It was explained that the Projects were each to be driven by a Member of the Cabinet, working with a select team of officers, representing a diverse variety of disciplines within the Council.


In the final year of the current Administration, each Project would report back to Cabinet, to note the achievements attained and the progress made.


It was noted that the ‘Council Effectiveness’ project had been completed. 


The project achieved the following:


·      Ensured local voices were heard, through a range of very successful public surveys and consultation exercises involving over 12,000 local people

·      Resulted in a very positive LGA Peer Assessment which said the Council offers good value for money, was well run and has a pragmatic approach to doing ‘what works’

·      Embedded the Living Ambition vision in a much-improved strategic plan to improve service delivery, develop the skills of Council staff and deliver value for money

·      Allowed the Council to target communications, consultation and services at the right customers, in the most appropriate way


Reasons for the decision

The report was brought to cabinet to provide Members with an overview of what the Council Effectiveness Member project delivered between 2011 and 2012.


Other options considered



The Cabinet Member wished to place on record his thanks to those members of Council staff who had assisted him during the project.


In response to a query, it was explained that the ‘Your Council, Your Say’ 2013 survey results had yet to be collated and as such couldn’t be referred to for the purposes of the project.  The results would be available for scrutiny in August.


Cabinet NOTED the outcomes delivered by the Council Effectiveness Project.

Supporting documents: