Agenda item

Annual Corporate Performance Report 2012/13


Cabinet NOTED the report.


Council Michael White, Leader of the Council, introduced the report.


The report set out the Council’s annual performance for the Corporate Performance Indicators in 2012/13 (financial year) against the five Living Ambition Goals of the Corporate Plan:


  • Environment
  • Learning
  • Towns and Communities
  • Individuals

·         Value


A Red, Amber, Green (RAG) rating had been applied for performance against the 2012/13 Annual Target, as follows:-


  • Green = on or within 5% of the Annual Target
  • Amber = more than 5% off the Annual Target and where performance had improved compared to 2011/12
  • Red = more than 5% off the Annual Target and where performance had not improved compared to 2011/12


Of the 51 indicators measured annually, 42 had been given a RAG status. In summary:-


  • 31 indicators (74%) were rated as Green
  • 6 indicators (14%) were rated as Amber

·         5 indicators (12%) were rated as Red


Cabinet received a presentation from staff on two of those indicators which were rated as Red; the processing of Housing and Council Tax Benefit claims, and the percentage of corporate complaints completed within 10 working days. For the former, a huge increase in the number of new claims and changes in circumstances had placed considerable strain on existing resources. A strategy to improve performance was in place and additional Government funding had been used to clear the outstanding work. For the latter, a sharp increase in the number of complaints received combined with the integration of a new complaints processing system had pushed up the completion time.  This was expected to drop closer to the target level by the next quarter.


Appended to the report (and to these minutes) was a chart which detailed each of the 51 Corporate Performance Indicators. Officers provided responses to queries raised by Members in respect of some of the performance indicators.


Reasons for the decision

To provide Cabinet Members with an update on the Council’s annual performance for the Corporate Performance Indicators in 2012/13.


Other options considered



Cabinet NOTED the report.

Supporting documents: