Agenda item

Award of Responsive Repairs and Maintenance Contract for Council Housing - Lot One responsive repairs


Cabinet agreed the award of Lot 1 of the Term Contract for Responsive Repairs and Voids Refurbishment – Responsive Repairs, to Breyer Group PLC, in accordance with the offer set out in the tendering documentation and subject to the expiry of the required 10 day stand still period and section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1986 requirements.



Councillor Lesley Kelly, Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Protection, introduced the report.


The report set out the results of the tendering exercise for the provision of responsive repairs services to the housing stock managed by the Council.  The tendering process had been undertaken in accordance with the rules set out in the Public Contract Regulations 2006 and subsequent directives (EU regulations).


It was noted that the current partnership contract with Morrison Facilities Services which had been due to expire on 31 July 2013 had been extended by mutual agreement until September 2013.


The scope of the works and the re-tender specification was different to the current contract in that it was for responsive repairs only, so as to ensure a provision of high quality repairs to tenants and leaseholders.  In addition, the contractor would also provide “out of hours” and “handyman” services, concessionary decorating for vulnerable and elderly people and an initial inspection of all Council properties.


The pricing mechanism was for a fixed fee to be provided by the contractor with a maximum liability of £1000 per instruction.  Any works above this level would revert back to the Council for alternative quotes or solutions. Prices had been based on a standard schedule of rates and the use of a fixed price arrangement for the majority of repairs, by value, would provide greater cost certainty.


The proposed commencement date for the new contract was 1 October 2013 and would be for a five year period with the option to extend based on performance.


Reasons for the decision:

The Council as a landlord and building owner has obligations in statue and under the Tenancy Agreement to provide a responsive repairs service. The Council as a contracting authority has obligations to comply with the requirements of the Public Contractors Regulations 2006.


Other options considered:

To extend the exiting arrangement with Morrison Facilities Services for a further period. 

REJECTED – There would be no further provision in the contract to extend which would be in breach of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006.


Cabinet AGREED the award of Lot 1 of the Term Contract for Responsive Repairs to Breyer Group PLC in accordance with the offer set out in the tendering process and subject to the expiry of the required 10 day stand still period and section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1986 requirements.


Cabinet agreed the award of Lot 1 of the Term Contract for Responsive Repairs and Voids Refurbishment – Responsive Repairs, to Breyer Group PLC, in accordance with the offer set out in the tendering documentation and subject to the expiry of the required 10 day stand still period and section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1986 requirements.

Supporting documents: