Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that detailed the outcome of a consultation relating to a proposed parking management scheme on the two roads outside the Queen’s Theatre (one linking Billet Lane and North Street, one in front of the theatre) and one-way working on the road outside the theatre and recommends implementation of the scheme. These proposals were linked to the imminent adoption of the two roads as public highways maintainable at public expense.


The report detailed the following proposed changes:


1.    Proposals to convert existing road fronting the theatre to one -way system


It was proposed to convert the existing road fronting The Queen’s Theatre to one way system. Traffic will be permitted to enter via the ‘link’ road and exit at its southern end. This arrangement would create road space to provide parking bays for blue-badge holders, a drop off and pick up point (10 minutes maximum stay) and provision of free parking bays.


2.    Proposed loading bay in the ‘link’ road between Billet Lane and North Street, Hornchurch


There was currently no dedicated loading bay in the ‘link’ road. Delivery vehicles serving the theatre park in the road, which in turn disrupts the traffic flow. It was proposed to provide a loading bay in the ‘link’ road. The bay would be installed on the north side of the theatre as shown on drawing no.QH083-of-201. The loading bay would permit free loading for a maximum period of 20 minutes with no return within 1 hour. The loading bay would operate 24 hours, throughout the week.


3.    Provision of stopping for 5 minutes by the recycling centre


As part of the proposals, it was proposed to provide a free short term stopping facility by the recycling centre for 5 minutes to use the recycling centre or as a ‘kiss and ride’ to drop off or collect passengers. The proposals were shown on drawing no. QH083-of-201.


4.    Proposed ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions


It was proposed to provide ‘At any time’ waiting and loading restrictions at potential locations with a view to prevent inconsiderate parking and enhancing road safety. The proposals are shown on drawing no. QH083-of-201.


The Committee was also asked to consider the following suggested road names for the unnamed ‘link’ road.


The reported informed the committee that the road names in the borough are generally associated with the local importance. 


i)       Drama Road

ii)      Players Road

iii)  Thespian Road

iv)  Theatre Road

v)      Johnstone Road – Bill Johnstone was a former Administrative Director at the Queen’s Theatre.


vi)    Burge Road – Stuart Burge was the founding Artistic Director at the Theatre.


vii)   Humby Road– Gordon Humby was the borough chief librarian in 60’s/70’s who set up the Theatre archive.


During general debate Members of the Committee discussed:


  • A Member had reservation on whether there should be free parking bays or coach parking bays for events such as pantomimes.


  • Some members felt that temporary road closures even if they were feasible would not be a good way of dealing with coach groups and as such felt a dedicated short term coach parking would be better. The Principal Engineer suggested a 20 minute stay in line with what applicable at the Slaney Road to assist coach drop offs for Romford Town Centre.


  • Member also discussed the maximum length of stay for the short term drop off outside the Theatre.


Following the debate in which there was general support for coach parking provision, it was agreed that officers would redesign and consult on the free parking bays and the drop off bay outside the main entrance to the Theatre. Councillor Taylor proposed a motion that the recommendation be varied with the scheme being implemented as advertised, but the free parking bays and the drop off bay outside the main entrance be redesigned and reconsulted. The motion was seconded by Councillor Stephen Kelly.



Following a motion to vary the recommendation in the report which was seconded the Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that:


(a)          The short term drop off bay be reduced in length by about half;

(b)          All “free” parking bays, plus the area of the drop off bay released be advertised/ consulted as coach parking bays with a maximum stay of 20 minutes to assist coach parties visiting the Theatre.

(c)          The “at any time” waiting and loading restrictions to enhance highway safety in various places along the “link” roads.

(d)          A Loading bay in the “link” road between Billet Lane and North Street.

(e)          Stopping for 5 minutes maximum by the recycling centre.

(f)           Imposition of one way traffic flow in the road fronting The Queen’s Theatre.

(g)          3 diasabled parking bays for blue badge holders in the “link” road fronting the theatre entrance.

(h)          That it be noted the cost of carrying out the works was £8,000 which would be met by the Council’s Revenue budget for Minor Improvements on Borough Roads.


The vote for the recommendation was passed by 7 votes to 2 against.


The Committee also recommended to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the Queen’s Theatre ‘Link Road’ between Billet Lane and North Street should be known as Theatre Road.  The vote for the recommendation was 6 votes to 3 against.





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