Agenda item


Report to follow if available


The Committee considered a report on that outlined responses to the advertised proposals for the Hilldene Shopping Area Parking Scheme.


At its meeting on 20 September 2011, the Committee agreed in principal that a review of the parking in the area be undertaken. 


Approximately 230 letters with the plans of the proposal were hand delivered to those perceived to be affected by the scheme for 35 days, ending on Friday 18 January 2013. The plans were also displayed for the duration of the consultation at Harold Hill Library and within the entrance of the Homes and Housing office in Chippenham Road.


On 30 January 2013 Full Council considered a motion by an opposition group to withdraw the Administrations proposals to introduce Pay & Display Parking and Resident Parking Permits at the Hilldene Shopping Area in Harold Hill.


Full Council decided to refer the motion and the final decision whether to implement the scheme or not to the Highways Advisory Committee who in turn recommended a final course of action to the Lead Member for Community Empowerment.


The report detailed the following key features of the scheme:


·         To prevent commuters from taking up available car parking spaces, which could be used by the customers of local businesses and residents.


·         Introduce waiting restrictions to help improve traffic flow, prevent obstructive parking and improve road safety. 


·         Introduce a one-way system in East and West Dene Drives' to assist with traffic movement, especially to improve access for larger vehicles delivering to the rear of the Farnham Road and Hilldene Avenue shops.


·         To assist further with deliveries, to install additional loading facilities to the rear of the shops in Hilldene Avenue, West Dene Drive and Chippenham Road.


·         To increase the number of parking spaces for residents and businesses of the area, it was proposed that garages to the rear of the shops on East and West Dene Drive be removed to create additional parking. Extra spaces would also be created by converting a grass verge area in East Dene Drive.


Thirty-six responses were received by the close of the consultation, majority of the responses were against parts of the parking proposals, with three responses being in favour of all the proposals, two responses were in favour of implementing the proposed one-way system and two being in favour of further street lighting improvements. 


A petition was received from 286 signatories objecting to East Dene and West Dene areas becoming permit parking area, and the proposed one-way system. They also objected to Hilldene Avenue parking area becoming a Pay & Display car park.


A further petition was received outside the statutory consultation period signed by 1110 signatories opposing to the introduction of Pay & Display parking and Residents Parking Permits at Hilldene Shopping area.


Following consultation, Staff view that these schemes were designed to further enhance the Hilldene area by significantly increasing the number of available parking spaces for all visitors, limiting long term non-residential parking, allocating specific area to residents and businesses, providing improved loading facilities and improved traffic flow ensuring that parking spaces are turned over regularly and supporting the disabled and elder community.

With its agreement, Councillors Lawrence Webb, Pat Murray and Paul McGeary addressed the Committee expressing their objections to the introdrouction his support for the scheme proposed. They stated that there would be a social blight if the scheme was implemented in the area and that there was no convincing need for these parking charges to be introduced and that there was overwhelming disapproval for the pay and display scheme.


During general debate the following view were raised by member of the committee:

·         That since the introduction of parking charges in Elm Park, the parking spaces in the area had benefitted from regular turnover of commuter vehicles

·         That the area had benefitted from improved footfall for shopkeeprs and will also benefit from the parking and loading available at the back.

·         A member was of the view that he was a regular user of the parking facilities and had no problem with finding a parking space in the area.

·         A two hours free parking with no return was proposed

·         A member added that there was no evidence of commuter issues in the area.


The Committee RESOLVED:


To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that:


The proposals shown on drawing no QJ063/02/06 of the report be implemented as follows:


  1. That the On Street Pay & Display charging regime originally proposed and consulted on be amended to the tariffs listed in the table below subject to Cabinet approval, as set out in the report being submitted by the Head of Streetcare to Cabinet on Wednesday 17th April. These proposals also include the increase of maximum stay periods up to 3 hours from the current 2 hr max stay period on Pay and Display. 



Tariff Band

Current On Street Pay & Display & Original Proposal

Proposed On Street Pay & Display

Outlying Car Parks


0 – 1hr





0 – 1.5 hrs





0 – 2 hrs

£2.00 max stay




2 – 3 hrs


£0.50p Proposed new max stay





  1. That the proposed allocation of resident and business permit parking and disabled parking bays be implemented as proposed.


3.    That the waiting restrictions to help improve traffic flow, prevent obstructive parking and improve road safety be implemented as proposed.


4.    The one-way system in East and West Dene Drives to assist with traffic movement, especially larger vehicles delivering to the rear of the Farnham Road and Hilldene Avenue shops be implemented as proposed.


5.    That the loading facilities to improve access to the rear of the shops in Hilldene Avenue, West Dene Drive and Chippenham Road be implemented as proposed.


6.    That the garages to the rear of the shops on East and West Dene Drive are approved to be removed to create additional parking, with extra spaces created by converting a grass verge area in East Dene Drive to the side of 198 East Dene Drive.


The vote for the motion was passed by 5 votes to 4 against. Councillors O’Flynn, Durant, Eagling and Wood voted against the motion.



Supporting documents: