Agenda item

Havering Business Growth Programme


Cabinet AGREED


1.      The Havering Business Growth Programme 2013-2016, including promoting inward investment, encouraging existing businesses to grow and customer service transformation.


2.      To delegate authority for action to implement the programme to the Director of Culture and Community in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Lead Member for Community Empowerment and where appropriate with the Lead Member for Value and the Director of Finance and Commerce.


3.      To delegate authority to bid for external funding to implement the Programme to the Director of Culture and Community in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Community Empowerment where the value of the grant submission exceeds delegated officers’ powers.



Councillor Robert Benham, Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment, introduced the report


The report before Members outlined a programme to support Business Growth in Havering, to create jobs and enhance the prosperity of the borough and the wellbeing of local people.


It was explained that economic growth had become Central Government’s top priority and Local Authorities had been incentivised to drive forward the agenda through the localisation of business rates.


It was noted that the Council has an established programme of business support that contributes towards the delivery of the Living Ambition goal to create prosperity for local residents.  The programme sought to build on existing services, to provide a co-ordinated programme to grow the business base, create jobs, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery and increase business rates income to support local services.


Reasons for the decision

Economic growth is the top priority of Central Government, who recognise the vital role that Local Authorities have to play in shaping and supporting the local economy.  Growth also contributes to other priorities such as job creation and well-being.


The Government has created incentives for Councils to drive growth through the localisation of business rates.  The new system means Councils will retain a proportion of any rise in business rates income, but a reduction will mean that there is less money to fund public services.


As a consequence it is more important than ever that the Council prioritises economic growth.


Other options considered:

Do nothing.  This option was rejected because of the financial implications for delivering local services if the NNDR income does not grow in line with expectations


Deliver a limited programme focussed on maximising NNDR income.  This option was rejected given the Council’s strong commitment to the business community and desire to increase prosperity, create jobs and improve well-being in line with the Council’s Living Ambition.


Members commented that it was a priority for the Council to support business growth in the Borough and as such, the business growth programme was a useful tool in commencing that process. It was suggested that Overview and Scrutiny could play a key role in developing some of the detail contained within the programme.


Cabinet AGREED


1.      The Havering Business Growth Programme 2013-2016, including promoting inward investment, encouraging existing businesses to grow and customer service transformation.


2.      To delegate authority for action to implement the programme to the Director of Culture and Community in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Lead Member for Community Empowerment and where appropriate with the Lead Member for Value and the Director of Finance and Commerce.


3.      To delegate authority to bid for external funding to implement the Programme to the Director of Culture and Community in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Community Empowerment where the value of the grant submission exceeds delegated officers’ powers.


Supporting documents: