Agenda item

Five Culture Sub-Strategies


Councillor Andrew Curtin, Cabinet Member for Culture, Towns and Communities, introduced the report


In May 2012, Cabinet approved an over-arching 3-year Culture Strategy for the borough, covering the period 2012-2014.  The core ambition of the Culture Strategy is ‘to transform lives through participation in, and enjoyment of, culture’.  The strategy set out 3 objectives and 4 underpinning principles which outlined the Council’s priorities for achieving this.  Each of the Culture Sub-Strategies were based on these 3 objectives and shared these same principles.


The five Culture Sub-Strategies (Sport & Physical Activity; Arts; Libraries; Parks & Open Spaces, and Heritage & History) provided a strategic direction not only for the Council, but also for the wider development of culture in the borough through partnership with agencies in the public, private and voluntary sectors.  It was noted that the strategies clearly demonstrate to external partners and funding agencies the key priorities for the Council and the community.


The sub-strategies included an analysis of the current service, identify emerging opportunities and areas for development, and set out an action plan for the next 3 years. 


It was noted that the sub-strategies linked with wider policy agendas, including the Health & Wellbeing strategy, area regeneration plans, tourism, economic development, the environment, children’s, young people’s and older people’s services, lifelong learning, community safety, community cohesion, and other important areas, which all worked together to improve the quality of life for residents of the borough.


The report sought cabinet approval of the five new Culture Sub-Strategies, covering the period 2013 – 2015.


Reasons for the decision:

The approval and formal adoption of the Culture Sub-Strategies would provide a context and focus for the work of culture services in Havering over the next three years.  The approval of the document would support the service and wider culture sector to i) access external funding, ii) influence other strategies and agendas, iii) communicate our priorities to the wider public, and iv) provide strategic direction for annual service planning.


Other options considered:

No alternatives had been considered.  Without these strategies the Council would be disadvantaged by not having a defined focus and strategy for improving the provision of culture in Havering.


Cabinet Agreed the 2013-15 Culture Sub-Strategies.



Supporting documents: