Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report in response to a public consultation on proposals to provide a new residents parking zone in Caxton Way, Dickens Way and Brunel Close.  The consultation followed the adoption of these roads as highway maintained at the public expense.


The report detailed that prior to the proposals being formally advertised, discussions were held with the local residents’ association regarding the requirements for and the appropriate level of parking restrictions.  This discussion informed on the type of restriction to be taken forward and its hours of operation. 


A parking permit zone was proposed to be operational between 8:30am – 6:30pm Monday to Saturday inclusive to include all areas of Dickens Way, Caxton Way and Brunel Close other than those areas covered by yellow lines.  The proposal was that only residents of these roads may apply for residential permits. 


The report outlined that a methodology where parking permit zones do not include lining was a new approach made possible by the amendments to the Traffic Signs, Regulations and General Directions.  Lines were no longer required and signs would be erected at the zone entrance with repeater signs on lamp columns.  This would reduce the level of maintenance required and allows residents a level of flexibility that markings do not.  


Fifty letters were hand delivered to residents potentially affected by the scheme and the immediate area with a closing date of 1 February 2013 for comments.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by two local resident of the area with one expressing his views for the scheme stating that residents had undertaken their own ballot which showed even more support for the scheme than the formal council consultation. The other speaker expressed his view against the scheme stating that that the proposed double yellow lines should be more extensive as any parking on the street would cause problems for traffic trying to pass and that there was plenty of off-street parking in the estate. The objector would like the double yellow line extended past Brunel Close.


Councillor Andrew Curtin also addressed the Committee expressing his support for the scheme. He added that due to the estate’s proximity to Romford Town centre, parking controls were needed.


During general debate a member of the committee was of the view that the parking scheme sought to privatise the roads for the exclusive use of residents. It was suggested that a one-hour parking restriction was adequate to deter non-resident commuter parking.


Another member considered the roads to form a self-contained area for which the scheme was appropriate.


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.    To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the proposal be implemented as detailed in the report and shown on drawing QL062-OF-101-A Final Parking Restrictions.


2.  That it be noted that the estimated cost of £4,000 for implementation           would be met by Taylor Wimpey North Thames Limited secured by an Agreement made under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.


The vote for the recommendation was passed by 5 votes to 3.  Councillors Alexander, Durant and Eagling voted against the motion.




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