Agenda item



The Committee considered a report from the Principle Inspector, Havering School Improvement Services (HSIS) regarding the performance of all schools in the borough over the previous academic year.


The report summarised the 2012 performance of Havering primary and secondary schools/academies in key stage assessments, tests and examinations.


The Committee noted that 2012 was another successful year for Havering schools. Although early years results were mixed, Havering enjoyed its best ever results at Key Stages 1 and 2. There was a fall for the first time at GCSE, due to the outcomes of the English results, which were a national phenomenon. For the second year running, Havering had no schools or academies below the government floor standard (60% L4 joint En/Ma at Key Stage 2, and 40% A*-C (inc En/Ma) at GCSE).


Overall attainment at Key Stages 1, 2 and 4 remained above the national average for each of the main attainment measures and was higher than the performance of Havering’s statistical neighbours. During 2011-12, primary and secondary schools/academies receiving targeted support improved more significantly than those schools not in receipt of support.


Foundation Stage


Havering results for 2012 were mixed. Overall, they were marginally lower than our best ever outcomes in 2010, but we did not match the national improvements and attainment for 2012 was broadly average.


Key Stage One


These outcomes were said to be the best ever results for Havering at Key Stage 1. Overall performance at the Levels 2+, 2B+ and 3+ benchmarks at Key Stage 1 improved. Performance improved in every subject (Reading, Writing, Maths), with more pupils achieving the expected level (2B+) than ever before. There was also an increase in the proportion of pupils achieving the highest levels (L3).


Key Stage Two


Level 4+ attainment in both English and Maths combined rose to 82% - Havering’s highest ever performance and higher than this year’s national average figure of 79%. Level 5+ performance rose to 28% - well above previous years. These results place Havering, once again, above the national average. In particular, the Committee was asked to note that 2012 saw a significant increase in the performance of the most able learners – with the proportions reaching the higher Level 5+ increasing by 7% in both English and Mathematics. Raising the achievement of the most able learners had been a major focus in Havering over the last few years.



Key Stage Four


The 2012 Havering average for 5A*-C grades (inc En/Ma) decreased for the first time in many years, by approximately 2.4%, to a provisional 61.1%.


This was more than accounted for by the drop in English results, which was a national phenomenon that was currently being challenged by secondary headteacher associations. However, the drop in Havering exceeded the national fall and comprised significant variation between the English results of different schools.


The fall in Havering’s results was disappointing after many years of incremental increase. However, scores in Havering remained above the national average at this measure. 


The Committee also considered Key Stage Five results, those for additional needs and the performance of those schools supported by HSIS.


Supporting documents: