Agenda item


Report attached


The report before the Committee detailed comments received in response to a public consultation on proposals to provide a loading and parking bay outside 77/79 Butts Green Road and a bus stop clearway outside 69/75 Butts Green Road in support of the implementation of a development at 77/79 Butts Green Road and sought a recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that either:

(i)        the measures as described in the report and shown on Drawing F9D08/135A(00)22F (Factor 9 Design) be implemented; or

(ii)      the Head of Streetcare proceeds with the design and consultation on an alternative layout.


Following the appeal by Tesco Stores Ltd that was allowed by the planning inspector, condition 7 stipulated that:


            Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted an area within the highway to the front of the site for the loading and unloading of delivery and service vehicles, shall be provided in accordance with a scheme that has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. This approved area shall be permanently retained thereafter. There shall be no loading or unloading of goods from vehicles other than from within this approved area.


The proposed layout showed the bus stop being relocated outside 69/75 with a clearway restriction and a single yellow line restriction in front of 77/79 which would permit loading. After discussion with staff, the layout was revised to replace the single yellow line restriction with a multi-use bay for loading and parking.


The proposed layout shown on drawing F9D08/135A (00)22F (Factor 9 Design) was proposed to operate as follows:


·         10am to 2pm – loading as the Planning Inspector limited loading to the new store from 10am and not before (7 days a week).

·         2pm to 6:30pm – pay and display parking (Monday to Saturday)

·         No restrictions would operate outside of these times


Following a public consultation on the proposal, a response was received from Hornchurch Hire & Sales, which objected to the proposals outlining that relocating the bus stop directly outside its premises will block any passing businesses and that at a meeting in their premises there was supposed to be space for three parking/delivery spaces not the two in this proposal.


Tesco Stores Ltd supported the provision of the multi-use bay in terms of loading and    parking. London Buses also supported the proposals as they would provide an accessible bus stop.


During debate, the Committee sought clarification on the requirements to provide loading facilities under the conditions of the planning application P1495.11. Members considered the possibility of alternatives to those proposals laid out in the report. Members were informed of the need to take Equalities legislation into account in considering the design of the parking / loading bay. Members were informed of the practical requirements that need to be taken into account in the design and positioning of the parking / loading bay.:


Councillor Kelly proposed acceptance of recommendation (ii) and this was seconded by Councillor Ower.


By a majority of 7 votes in favour to 1 vote against, the Committee RESOLVED to recommend that:


1.            The Head of StreetCare should proceed with the detailed design, advertisement and consultation on the alternative proposal as described in this report and shown on Drawing QH051/OF/101A and the outcome should be reported to a future meeting.


2.         It be noted that the estimated cost of £20,000 for implementation would be met by Tesco Stores Limited secured by an agreement made under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


As stated at the beginning of the minutes and in accordance with his disclosure of interest, Councillor Barry Oddy left the meeting during the discussion and took no part in the voting.


Supporting documents: