Agenda item


Report attached


The report before members detailed an application for the redevelopment of the site to create 72 units of housing, comprising 38 houses and 34 flats.  All of the units were proposed as affordable housing for rent.  


Members noted that no objection had been received from London Fire Brigade.


Members were advised that condition 7.3.8 of the report should read 10 units as opposed to 8.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements, the Committee was addressed by an objector with a response from the applicant.


With its agreement, Councillor Pat Murray addressed the Committee.


Councillor Murray commented that the scheme was important to the regeneration of Harold Hill and that residents were in favour of the scheme. Councillor Murray informed the Committee that several residents had concerns that the residential parking would being lost due to the development and that this would lead to displaced parking in other areas.


During a brief debate members discussed the need for a parking management programme to be put into place for the development.


Members were advised that additional parking spaces were being created in the area under another proposed scheme.


Members noted that a Mayoral CIL contribution of £115,060.00 was liable for the proposed development and RESOLVED that the proposal was unacceptable as it stood but would be acceptable subject to the applicant entering into a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), to secure the following:


·      The provision of a minimum of 50% of the units within the development as affordable housing (100% for affordable rent) in accordance with Policies CP2 and DC6 of the LDF Core Strategy and Development Control Policies Development Plan Document.


·      A financial contribution of £432,000 to be used towards infrastructure costs in accordance with the draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document.


·      The provision of a training and recruitment scheme for local people to be employed during the construction period.


·      All contribution sums shall include interest to the due date of expenditure and all contribution sums to be subject to indexation from the date of completion of the Section 106 agreement to the date of receipt by the Council.


·      The Developer/Owner to pay the Council’s reasonable legal costs associated with the Legal Agreement prior to the completion of the agreement irrespective of whether the agreement is completed.


·      Payment of the appropriate planning obligations monitoring fee prior to the completion of the agreement.


Staff were authorised to enter into a legal agreement to secure the above and upon completion of that agreement, grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report and to add/alter the following conditions provided that no objection from the Environment Agency was raised and maintained during the consultation period which was not considered by the committee and if that is the case the proposal be remitted back to Committee for further consideration and resolution.:


·         Add condition to require phasing plan to be submitted and approved.

·         Subsequent change to conditions 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,22 to reflect phasing.

·         Alter Condition 18 (sustainability) to "occupation" not "commencement".

·         Adjust Condition 25.  After "and development" add "on that part of the site which includes adopted highway".

·         Additional condition requiring submission, approval, implementation and maintenance of a scheme of parking management controls for the development.


The vote for the resolution was carried by 10 votes to 0 with 1 abstention. Councillor McGeary abstained from voting.


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