Agenda item


Report to follow if available


The Committee considered the report that detailed the responses received to the advertised proposals for waiting restrictions in Little Gaynes Lane and recommended a further course of action.


The proposals were to introduce ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 15 metres on all of the Corbets Tey Road junction with Little Gaynes Lane, introduce 7.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday waiting restrictions on the eastern side of Little Gaynes Lane from a point 15 metres north of the northern kerbline of Corbets Tey Road, to the common boundary of nos. 10 and 12 and on the western side and to introduce 7.00am to 8.30am Monday to Friday waiting restriction, from a point 15 metres north of the northern kerbline of Corbets Tey Road, to a point opposite the common boundary of nos. 10 and 12.


The report set out the responses received to the advertised proposals. Eighteen statutory bodies and 61 residents were consulted on the proposals. Twelve responses had been received to the proposals giving a 20% response rate.


Nine residents supported the proposals, with some wanting further restrictions around and opposite the junction of Little Gaynes Gardens. The residents that commented against the proposals were mainly concerned over the displacement of parked vehicles into other areas. 


Staff monitored the effects of any changes to parking controls, to ensure that parking problems could be kept to a minimum and if it was considered that further controls were necessary, the issue would be reported back to the Committee and a further course of action could be agreed.


Officers had considered each of the consultation responses and had tried to minimise the potential negative impact arising from these proposals in terms of improving accessibility, safety and convenience for local residents and businesses.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a local resident who expressed his views in support of the scheme.


During the debate, members discussed issues concerning the proposed waiting restriction. They were of the view that the proposed time restrictions were not consistent with other restrictions in the borough. A member felt that the proposed 7.00am to 8.30am Monday to Friday restrictions on the doctors side of the road would not keep commuters away and would affect patients visiting the surgery. It was also stated that the proposed 7.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday restriction on the even numbered side of the road went too far and should terminate above the word proposed i.e. the common boundary of Nos. 4 & 6.



The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that:


a. ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions for 15 metres on all of the Corbets Tey Road junction with Little Gaynes Lane, be introduced as shown on the Plan annexed to the report at Appendix A and further implemention of an 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday waiting restrictions on the even numbered side of the road from the end of the at any time waiting restriction at the junction of Little Gaynes Lane and Corbets Tey Road. up to the common boundary of Nos. 4 and 6 Little Gaynes Lane, in addition to the rejection of the proposed 7.00am – 08.30am waiting restriction on the odd numbered side of  Little Gaynes Lane


b.  the effect of the scheme be monitored;


c.    the estimated cost of the scheme as set out in the report was £1,500 and would be funded from the 2012/13 Minor Parking Schemes budget.


The vote for the proposal was passed by 7 votes to 2. Councillors Breading and Durant voted against the motion.


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