Agenda item


Report attached


The Committee considered a report that detailed schemes approved by Transport for London for funding. A feasibility study had recently been carried out to identify safety improvements along Noak Hill Road.

A public consultation had been carried out and the report detailed the finding of the feasibility study, public consultation and recommends the installation of vehicle activated sign along Noak Hill Road. 

          The report detailed that since the pinch point was installed along Noak Hill Road in 2005, the Havering Council has received numerous complaints. A number of incidents also occurred in the vicinity of pinch point. Some incidents were reported to Police and others were not reported to the Police because they were due to driver error. On several occasions, the bollards, lighting units and road signs in the pinch point were replaced at this location.


         In the four-year period to July 2012, 3 personal injury accidents (PIAs) were recorded along Noak Hill Road between Kyance Close and Taunton Road including Kyance Close and Taunton Road junctions. Of these 3 PIAs, 2 were serious and one was slight injury. 1 PIA occurred in the vicinity of pinch point. Before the installation of pinch point, 5 PIAs were recorded along Noak Hill Road between Kyance Close and Taunton Road over four year period to June 2004. All 5 PIAs occurred at the Noak Hill Road / Taunton Road junction. Of these 5 PIAs, 1 was serious and 4 were slight injuries. 


         The proposal in the report was to provide a vehicle activated sign along Noak Hill Road in the vicinity of pinch point. From the public consultation results, majority of respondents felt the vehicle activated sign would help to reduce vehicle speeds and improve road safety in the area.


Seven responses were received from London Buses, Local Member and residents from the 50 letters distributed. Six 6 opposed and raised concern to the removal of pinch point proposal and 1 had no objections to the scheme.

          Staff therefore are recommending that only the vehicle activated sign proposal be approved for implementation. 


Councillor Denis O’Flynn addressed the committee expressing concern if the pinch point was removed. Councillor O'Flynn made mention of a 200+ signature petition from residents to keep pinch point.


During debate a member of the Committee felt that the pinch point had reduced casualties, but he does not agree to the need for the VA sign.


The Committee unanimously RESOLVED:


1.      To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that a vehicle activated sign along Noak Hill Road between Taunton Road and Kynance Close as shown on Drawing No. QL005/N/1 be implemented.


2.      That the Committee having considered the representations from the  public consultation results, recommends to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the proposal to remove the pinch point along Noak Hill Road between Taunton Road and Kynance Close be omitted from the original proposals.


3.      That, it be noted that the estimated cost of £5,000 would be met from the Transport for London’s (TfL) 2012/13 financial year allocation to Havering for Accident Reduction Programme.


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