Agenda item

Q3 Corporate Performance Report

Report attached.



Report Title: Corporate Plan Q3 Performance Report (2024/25) 


Presented by:Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council




The report sets out Quarter 3 performance for each of the three strategic priorities (People, Place and Resources) 


The Council’s Corporate Plan was formally adopted in April 2024.  


The Corporate Plan is made up of the three Strategic Director Service plans and describes how we will deliver the vision under the following three themes:  

·        Supporting our residents to stay safe and well 

·        A great place to live work and enjoy 

·        Enabling a resident-focussed and resilient council 


Under each theme sita number of outcomes and key deliverables associated to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that were agreed to be the most appropriate for measuring progress These KPIs have been brought together into a Corporate Plan Performance Report, which provides an overview of the Council’s performance. The report is presented in PowerBI and highlights good performance and potential areas for improvement.   


The Overall KPI status page identifies where the Council is performing well (Green) not so well (Amberand Red) KPIs which are narrative only, or for which it is not appropriate to set a target, are shown in Blue RAG ratings for 2024/25 are as follows: 


·        Red= Below target and below the ‘variable tolerance’ off the target  

·        Amber= Below target but within the ‘variable tolerance’ of the target 

·        Green= Above annual target 


Also included in the Power-BI report are Direction of Travel (long-term and short-term), which compares: 


·        Short-term performance – with the previous quarter (Quarter 2 2024/25) 

·        Long-term performance – with the same time the previous year (Quarter 3 2023/24, where available) 


Please note the green arrow shows if (é)higher performance is better or (ê) lower performance is better 




Members considered all indicators (especially the red indicators highlighted within the body of this report) and noted the levels of performance set out in the power-bi report. 


The Labour Group Leader recommended that the report should be reviewed by the Overview & Scrutiny Board.

Supporting documents: