Agenda item
Available reports (Budget, Capital Programme Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy Statement) attached, remainder to follow.
Please note that, whilst the reports are correct at the time of publication, it is possible that they may change significantly by the time they are presented to Cabinet and Council.
Supporting documents:
- 1-1 Budget - cover report, item 5. PDF 275 KB
- 1-2 Budget report OS, item 5. PDF 850 KB
- 1-3 APPENDIX A Risks and Assumptions os, item 5. PDF 501 KB
- 1-4 Appendix B The Local Government Financial Settlement3, item 5. PDF 629 KB
- 1-5 Appendix C New Savings Proposals, item 5. PDF 762 KB
- 1-6 Appendix D Fees and Charges 2025-26, item 5. PDF 2 MB
- 1-7 Appendix E The Budget resolution, item 5. PDF 143 KB
- 1-8 Appendix F The Councils Budget 2025-26, item 5. PDF 292 KB
- 1-9 Appendix H Section 25 Statement OSfinal, item 5. PDF 290 KB
- 1-10 Appendix I Summary of the Council Tax Support Scheme 2025-26, item 5. PDF 356 KB
- 1-11 Appendix J Council Tax Policies, item 5. PDF 296 KB
- 1-12 Appendix K EqHIA Council Tax Support Scheme 2025-26, item 5. PDF 2 MB
- 3-1 TMSS (OSB Final Version), item 5. PDF 1 MB
- 2-1 5 Year Capital Programme Strategy (OSB Final Version), item 5. PDF 851 KB
- 2-2 Appendix 1 - Existing Service Spending Detail, item 5. PDF 502 KB
- 2-3 Appendix 2 - 2025-26 Schools Conditions Grant planned works, item 5. PDF 419 KB
- 2-4 Appendix 3 - Regeneration Programme Detail, item 5. PDF 467 KB
- HRA 1. HRA Budget Report 25-26 (FINAL), item 5. PDF 2 MB
- HRA 2. EqHIA - HRA Budget 2025-2026, item 5. PDF 269 KB
- 11.0 MLH 1. - MLH Business Plan Cabinet Open Final, item 5. PDF 433 KB
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- 9.0 Bridge Close Regeneration LLP Business Plan 2025-2026 (PUBLIC), item 5. PDF 476 KB
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- 9.2 Bridge Close Regeneration LLP - Appendix A Site Plan and Indicative Red Line (PUBLIC), item 5. PDF 419 KB
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- 10.0 HWR1 Havering and Wates JV Business Plan - PUBLIC report Final, item 5. PDF 858 KB
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