Agenda item

Contract Award for the Supply of Temporary Workers



1.     Approved a contract award for the supply of temporary workers to Adecco (Company number 00593232) via the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation Mstar4 London Collaboration call-off for a duration of two years with the option to extend for two further periods of two years for a total duration of six years.



Report: Contract Award for the Supply of Temporary Workers


Presented by: Cllr Ray Morgon, Leader of the Council




1.       The report seeks Cabinet’s approval of the projects and associated capital funding to implement Phase 5 of the expansion programme to manage the forecast increase in early years, primary, secondary and SEND pupil numbers, as approved in the Outline Proposals to address Early Years, Primary, Secondary, SEND and AP rising rolls – Update to Phase 5 expansion Programme cabinet report in November 2023.


2.       Phase 5 of the Schools Expansion Programme sets out proposals for capital investment of £66m to provide for expansion of school places in those areas where there is clear evidence of sustained growth in need over the next five years. The investment will be funded from a combination of basic needs allocation, unallocated capital budget from earlier phases, SEND capital grant and S106 Housing Development contributions.


3.       This rise in demand in Primary, Secondary and SEND means that the Council needs to do two things:

·        Find ways to absorb the immediate extra demand for places, while protecting the Borough’s excellent reputation for good schools – which is already well underway.

·        Plan for a longer term growth in pupil numbers to meet demand from new housing and a growing population and establish new schools as and when required.


4.       Approval will enable officers to implement the education projects detailed in this report as part of the Council’s strategy of ensuring that there are sufficient school places to meet likely future demands.


1.     Approved a contract award for the supply of temporary workers to Adecco (Company number 00593232) via the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation Mstar4 London Collaboration call-off for a duration of two years with the option to extend for two further periods of two years for a total duration of six years.


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