Agenda item

Council Tax base 2025/26




Agreed a taxbase of 90,151 band D equivalents for 2025/26


Noted the change in estimated collection rate set out in section 3.3 which is a prudent assumption and reflective of current collection levels.




Report: Council Tax base 2025/26


Presented by: Councillor Chris Wilkins, Cabinet Member for Finance




This report is produced to enable the Council to fulfil its statutory role to set a council tax base for 2025/26. The Local Government Finance Act (LGFA) 1992, as amended by the LGFA 2003 & LGFA 2012 requires the Authority to formally calculate the council tax base for 2025/26 and pass this information to precepting authorities by 31 January 2025.


The tax base must be set between 1 December 2024 and 31 January 2025. The regulations stipulate that:


·        The appropriate figure must be calculated using the Valuation List and Council Tax records as at 30 November 2024 Calculation of the Tax Base

·        The calculation of the Council Tax Base is by way of a statutory prescribed formula, which is set out at Appendix A.




Agreed a taxbase of 90,151 band D equivalents for 2025/26


Noted the change in estimated collection rate set out in section 3.3 which is a prudent assumption and reflective of current collection levels.


Supporting documents: