Agenda item

Approval of the Joint Havering Dementia Strategy 2024-2029

Please find below the following comments from the People Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee for inclusion in this Cabinet Report pack


Dementia Strategy - recommendations to Executive


Recommendation 1:


Give consideration to bringing forward the delivery of the 'Future Aspiration' entitled 'Improved signage in public places - exits and toilets' through the integration of this requirement into Council's regeneration programme and through engagement with key town centre partners (e.g. Shopping centre managers). 


Recommendation 2:


Revise the Financial implications and risks section to acknowledge the delivery risks associated with elements of the Strategy which are reliant on the use of non-statutory services e.g. Local Area Coordination and Havering Volunteer Centre. 


·        Cabinet are asked to provide a response in advance of the next People Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee




Noted the contents of the report and the accompanying Strategy.


Agreed to adopt and approved the local Joint Dementia Strategy for Havering (subject to the amendment of the Strategy to include the recommendations of the People Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee as detailed in the agenda to this meeting and the deletion of the sentence “the government’s social care charging reforms, with more generous means testing and lifetime cap on care costs” from page 5 of the Strategy).


Report: Approval of the Joint Havering Dementia Strategy 2024-2029


Presented by: Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care Services




This report provides an overview of the Joint Dementia Strategy for Havering, 2024-2029. Dementia remains a key national and local priority. It is therefore important that a locally agreed Joint Strategy is in place.




Noted the contents of the report and the accompanying Strategy.


Agreed to adopt and approved the local Joint Dementia Strategy for Havering (subject to the amendment of the Strategy to include the recommendations of the People Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee as detailed in the agenda to this meeting and the deletion of the sentence “the government’s social care charging reforms, with more generous means testing and lifetime cap on care costs” from page 5 of the Strategy).

Supporting documents: