Agenda item

Approval to extend windows and doors contract




Agreed to extend the contract with Equans Regeneration Limited to deliver windows and doors including fire doors to HRA properties for a period of one year at a maximum value of £7 million.



Report: Approval to award 1-year extension of contract for Windows and Doors


Presented by: Councillor Paul McGeary, Lead Member for Housing & Property




As part of the Council’s responsibility as a landlord, the Council has a duty to undertake repairs and maintenance works to its HRA housing stock. The Council entered into contract with Equans Regeneration Limited to replace windows and doors. The original contract was for 3 years with 2 one-year optional extensions subject to performance.


The Council has been satisfied with the performance and would like to activate an additional one-year extension to the original contract at a value of £7m. Monies have been identified within the HRA 30-year business plan and contract spend will be aligned with business priorities and approved budgets.




Agreed to extend the contract with Equans Regeneration Limited to deliver windows and doors including fire doors to HRA properties for a period of one year at a maximum value of £7 million.


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