Agenda item



Cabinet agreed:



1.             To commence procurement of a maximum 7 year contract (3 +2 +2) for an integrated housing technology platform via a mini-competition through the Crown Commercial Services Vertical Application Solutions (VAS) framework Lot 3 (Housing, Environmental and Planning Solutions).


2.             To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Resources/S.151 Officer to:


a.     award and implement the contract (following completion of the mini- competition referred to above) provided that the value of the contract does not exceed £2,368,000 but further provided that the s.151 Officer may authorise budgetary change variances (for example price increases and expenditure) of an additional £500,000.




Report: Commencement of Procurement of the Replacement Housing System


Presented by: Councillor Paul Middleton, Lead Member for Digital, Transformation & Customer Services





A report advised that Capita Open Housing software has been used by the Council’s Housing service since 2018. The existing contract expired on 31st March 2026. 


Following an in-depth review of the current systems and a market test of alternatives it had been determined that the best option for the Council was to procure a new, fully integrated Housing technology platform. 


It was recommended that a mini-competition process using the Crown Commercial Services Vertical Application Solutions (VAS) framework Lot 3 (Housing, Environmental and Planning Solutions) be undertaken to identify a replacement system in accordance with the Council’s procurement requirement.


This report sought Cabinet approval to procure and publish the tender as cwell as approval to award a contract though delegated authority via the s.151 Officer.


It was proposed that the replacement system would be subject to a 3+2+2 (total 7 year) contract.  It was estimated that the total value of the contract (including implementation services) would be within a range of £970,000 to £2,368,000 depending on the supplier selected via the mini-competition process. The allocated budget has been approved.




Cabinet agreed:



1.             To commence procurement of a maximum 7 year contract (3 +2 +2) for an integrated housing technology platform via a mini-competition through the Crown Commercial Services Vertical Application Solutions (VAS) framework Lot 3 (Housing, Environmental and Planning Solutions).


2.             To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Resources/S.151 Officer to:


a.     award and implement the contract (following completion of the mini- competition referred to above) provided that the value of the contract does not exceed £2,368,000 but further provided that the s.151 Officer may authorise budgetary change variances (for example price increases and expenditure) of an additional £500,000.



Supporting documents: