Agenda item

Permission to direct award Adults EDT contract 2025-2030

Report attached.


Cabinet approved:


1.      Entering into a Section 75 Agreement for an Adults Emergency Duty Team between the four partner boroughs and the North East London Foundation NHS Trust (NELFT), for a period of 5 years. The four partner boroughs are Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge and Waltham Forest. The proposed s75 agreement has a maximum value of £4,460,319.20 which will be split equally between the four partner boroughs. Each of the four partner boroughs pays for the service directly to NELFT with the maximum value for Havering being £1,115,079.95 over the five-year life of the Section 75 agreement.

2.      Delegated to the Strategic Director of People authority to sign off the terms of the Section 75 Agreement, on behalf of Havering.



Report: Adults EDT Section 75 Agreement to NELFT for a period of 5 years


Presented by:Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Members of Adult Service


Summary: The current section 75 agreement with NELFT for the provision of the Adults Emergency Duty Team expires on the 31st March 2025. This service provides an emergency social care service outside of normal office hours. This paper is seeking a decision to approve a new 5-year section 75 agreement.


The North East London Adult Emergency Duty team (EDT) provides an emergency social care service outside of normal office hours. It covers Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge and Waltham Forest. The service is designed to deal only with emergency situations that cannot wait until the next working day.


Members of the public and health and social care professionals can contact the team if a carer or a vulnerable adult is in urgent need or requires protection from harm. A vulnerable adult is a person of 18 years or over with a social care need. This can include people with mental health problems, physical or learning disabilities or older people.


The service includes but is not restricted to the provision of Mental Health Act assessments by an approved mental health professional.


Cabinet approved:


1.      Entering into a Section 75 Agreement for an Adults Emergency Duty Team between the four partner boroughs and the North East London Foundation NHS Trust (NELFT), for a period of 5 years. The four partner boroughs are Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge and Waltham Forest. The proposed s75 agreement has a maximum value of £4,460,319.20 which will be split equally between the four partner boroughs. Each of the four partner boroughs pays for the service directly to NELFT with the maximum value for Havering being £1,115,079.95 over the five-year life of the Section 75 agreement.

2.      Delegated to the Strategic Director of People authority to sign off the terms of the Section 75 Agreement, on behalf of Havering.


Supporting documents: