Agenda item








Motion on behalf of the East Havering Residents’ Group


The members of this Council call upon the Administration to immediately call a halt to the closure of any libraries in the Borough and to convert the libraries under threat into multi-use venues for existing Council services. 


(Received, 6/8/24, 1500)


Amendment on behalf of the Labour Group


The Members of this Council call upon the Administration to immediately call a halt to the consideration of the proposed closure of any libraries in the Borough until all public and private financial means and opportunities are examined to keep them open and the outcomes of the public consultation are known. The Administration to also review whether any proposal to convert libraries into multi-use venues for existing Council services is a viable option.


(Received, 21/8/24, 0929)



Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents’ Association Group


The Members of this Council recognise this Administration is considering all options before any closure of libraries in the Borough, including the conversion of libraries under threat into multi-use venues for existing Council services.


(Received, 23/8/24, 0817)


Following debate, the amendment by the Labour Group was NOT CARRIED by 8 votes to 6 with 32 abstentions (see division 3); the amendment by the Havering Residents’ Association Group was AGREED by 25 votes to 21 with 0 abstentions (see division 4) and was AGREED as the substantive motion without division. It was RESOLVED:



The Members of this Council recognise this Administration is considering all options before any closure of libraries in the Borough, including the conversion of libraries under threat into multi-use venues for existing Council services.






Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group


This Chamber recognises Havering has reached unacceptable levels of antisocial behaviour in our parks. Council calls on the Administration to produce a detailed plan to reduce levels of antisocial behaviour, and to present a proposal at the meeting of Council.


(Received 15/8/24, 1945)



Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents’ Association Group



The Council recognises some levels of antisocial behaviour in our parks. The Council calls on the Administration to report to the Council, details of ongoing work to combat and further reduce levels of anti-social behaviour.


(Received, 23/8/24, 0817)



Amendment on behalf of the Labour Group


This Chamber recognises Havering has antisocial behaviour in parks, despite most residents' respect for and enjoyment of our social green spaces. Council calls on the Administration to produce a detailed plan of action that is to be implemented to prevent and reduce levels of antisocial behaviour and present this at the appropriate overview and scrutiny meeting.


(Received, 23/8/24, 2002)


With the agreement of Council, this motion was withdrawn by the Conservative Group.






Motion on behalf of the Conservative Group


This Chamber recognises the publication of the Grenfell Inquiry report and reaffirms our commitment to ensuring the safety of residents across the borough. The Chamber calls for the Havering Local Plan to be updated to include stricter building safety requirements, going above and beyond those required by law, as achieved by Kensington and Chelsea.


(Received 15/8/24, 1945)







Amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents’ Association Group



This Council recognises the publication of the Grenfell Inquiry report and reaffirms our commitment to ensuring the safety of residents across the borough. This Council calls for the forthcoming review of the Local Plan to consider stricter building safety requirements for major developments and tall buildings, going above and beyond those required by the current London Plan reflecting legislation already laid and yet to emerge.



(Received, 23/8/24, 0817)


Amendment on behalf of the Labour Group


This Chamber recognises the publication of the Grenfell Inquiry report and reaffirms our commitment to ensuring the safety of residents across the borough. The Chamber calls for the Havering Local Plan to be updated to robustly evidence minimum regulatory building safety requirements and as far as practicable, go above and beyond those required by law, as achieved by Kensington and Chelsea.


(Received, 23/8/24, 2002)



Following debate, the amendment on behalf of the Havering Residents’ Association Group was AGREED by 24 votes to 22 with 0 abstentions (see division 5) and AGREED as the substantive motion, without division.




This Council recognises the publication of the Grenfell Inquiry report and reaffirms our commitment to ensuring the safety of residents across the borough. This Council calls for the forthcoming review of the Local Plan to consider stricter building safety requirements for major developments and tall buildings, going above and beyond those required by the current London Plan reflecting legislation already laid and yet to emerge.



Supporting documents: